54. Search her

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2 a.m.

A male, who seems to be sleeping peacefully squirmed in his position all of sudden before he opened his eyes, looking at nothing in particular, feeling void of emotion.

He tried to move his hands but it felt like his muscles were not under his control.

His eyes went towards his left, only to see that his one hand was being held by someone beside him.

He again tried to move his hand but it seemed like he was dead.
He was not able to feel the touch of the person who was holding him, making him feel curious who it could be?

The room he was in was completely dark, having the moon light coming from the balcony as the only source to see.

He tried to think what happened before he back out but his visions were hazzy, making him feel slight headache because of how hard he tried to remember everything.

'What am I suppose to do now?'

After a few moments of laying like a dead person, he again tried to atleast move his fingers with the energy left in his body.
Fortunate for him, his fingers twitched a little, making him take a long breath in relief.
The person beside him groaned a little before he straightened his back, feeling slight pain from sleeping in a sitting position.

'He seems to be a light-sleeper I guess.'

The room was dark and the man's face was not visible. But, his dark chocolate brown eyes were something which could be seen as the light of the moon was reflecting on it.

'I feel like I have seen him...'

The eyes visibly widened in surprise when they noticed the deep raven orbs observing them back with curiosity filled in them.

The man softly yet fastly detached there hands and opened the lights, making everything clear for the other to see.

The male who was laying squeezed his eyes a little, feeling his eyes getting irritated from the sudden exposure of bright light.

"Are you ok Koo?" Taehyung asked worriedly, feeling concerned when he saw the male trying to slowly open his eyes again.

Jungkook regained his vision before he moved his head towards the source of the voice he heard, feeling happy to see the one he was wanting to be there with him.

"Hy-hyungie....." Jungkook said, his voice being hoarse and groggy because of the effect of the drug.

"Yes bun! Tell me how are you feeling?" Taehyung said softly and helped the younger to lean against the headboard, giving him some water to drink.

"I am good hyung...." Jungkook replied softly once he felt that he fully regained his senses.

"Thank god.... I am so sorry bun..... I promise you that I am not leaving you even for a single second after this...." Taehyung said before he hugged the male who was confused from the sudden apology.

"Why are you sorry hyungie?"

"Because of me.... they tried to abduct you bun.... I am so sorry.... I don't know what would have happen if I would have not saw that text." Taehyung spoke with fear, feeling worried for the younger.

Taehyung was on his way back home after doing his work when he received a notification on his phone.
He would have ignored it as he was driving but stopped the car at a corner when he saw that it was Jungkook who messaged him.

"What it can be?" Taehyung asked to noone in particular and opened the chat, only to get shocked and angry when he read it

Hyung... I think there is someone present here in the mansion.
Please come fast.

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