"Don't worry, Lady Angelica. That's nothing to be ashamed of. You can restart learning all of it again if you like. With the help of the Empresses Ladies-in-waiting and The Empress herself helping you," He said to me. "Oh, that's right. Her Majesty might send you a gift." He said. I looked at him, confused.

"A gift?" I asked, and he nodded.

"The royal residence below belongs to the Empress. So according to custom, the Empress sends the Mistress a welcome gift to show that she recognizes the Mistress and accepts her into the royal household." He said. I smiled brightly. "Do you think Her Majesty with give me a gift too?"


'In Navier's Room'


-Navier's POV-

"I will send a gift to Angelica, but not Rashta," I said as the ladies looked at me with relief. "What a relief; we were afraid you might send Mistress Rashta a gift, but it is good to hear you won't send her one. You will only send Mistress Angelica a gift," They said.

'There are three main reasons an Empress would send a Mistress a gift. First, if they are friends. Second, if the Mistress is a High-Ranking Noble. Or third, if the Mistress is of the same bloodline as the Empress.' I thought.

'Rashta doesn't fall into any of these categories; unlike Angelica, she fits the first and third categories. We have been childhood friends since Soviehsu, and I met her. And my Mother raised Angelica as her child, so that would make her my adopted sister. And I'm proud to call her my sister.'

I look at the paper. 

'So why should I go out of my way to send her a gift? Angelica is an exception. She is my little sister; since we were kids, I have always treated her like a sister, so it would make sense why I sent a gift to her and not Rashta. And am I to send it along with a message saying, "Please look after my husband"? It's ridiculous to send that to Rashta, so I won't. That message with be going to Angelica.'

"Don't worry. There's no reason for me to send Rashta one. Besides, everyone knows Angelica is a childhood friend of His Majesty and me, so it makes sense for me to send Angelica a welcoming gift." I said, looking at the ladies. "Come, take a break, your Majesty. It's tea time." Countess Eliza said, laying the tea stuff on the table as they sat down.


-(What She Is Wearing During Tea Time)-

-(Ignore the blonde hair and imagine it's light pink hair)

-(Ignore the blonde hair and imagine it's light pink hair)- 

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'In Navier's room During Tea Time'


-Third Person's POV-

"Your Majesty?" A maid opened the door and looked towards Navier. "Yes?" Navier asked, putting her teacup down. "Lady Angelica wants to join you and your ladies in tea time. Shall I let her in?" The maid asked. Navier nodded. "Please let her in." The door opened, and Angelica walked inside. "Sister Navier! Thank you for letting me join you and your ladies-in-waiting for tea time!" She exclaimed happily.

"It's no problem, Angelica. Come and have a seat. Your tea is already poured," Navier said. Angelica walked over to the seat next to Navier and sat down, picking up her tea cup and sipping her tea. "This tea tastes lovely," Angelica said, putting her teacup down. "Sigh. How fragrant" Navier said until a voice called into the room.

"Pardon the interruption, Your Majesty. But Lady Rashta wishes to see you" He said. "Rashta?" Navier asked as she gripped her teacup 'Oh...But I wish I did not have to see her' looking at the ladies until her eyes moved to Angelica. Angelica's face held a sad and scared look 'Why does Angelica look sad and scared at the mention of Rashta? Did Rashta hurt or frighten Angelica?' Navier thought before turning to the male 

"She may enter," Navier said

Rashta walked inside the room with a smile. "Your Majesty, it's so nice to see you again. It's me, Rashta!" She exclaimed happily as all the ladies looked at her. 'Luckily, hiding my emotions in unpleasant situations has become second nature,' Navier thought.

"Oh! Lady Angelica! You are here with Her Majesty too. And Congratulations on becoming His Majestys Mistress like me" Rashta asked and Angelica nodded "Thank you, Lady Rashta" She said. "So, what brings you here?" Navier asked looking at Rashta. "What brings me here?" Rashta asked as Navier looked confused "To see my sisters! Her Majesty and Lady Angelica!"  Rashta exclaimed.

Countess Eliza spat out the tea, surprised before she started to cough. 

Navier looked appalled "...What? Sisters?" She asked as Angelica lifted her head looking at the two "What...?" She mumbled. "We're sisters now because all three of us have the same husband!" Rashta said. "What?" Navier asked appalled "So... Can I call you Big Sister, and Lady Angelica Little Sister?" Rashta Asked

'This must be the limit to my generosity. "Us three have the same husband?" And what Big Sister and Little Sister?' Navier was cut from her train of thought when Angelica's voice spoke.

"No," Angelica said looking up at Rashta. Rashta had a hidden smirk on her face as she put on a fake sad face as tears filled her eyes "Pardon? Do you dislike me, is that why?" Rashta asked. Navier looked at Rashta "It has nothing to with liking or disliking you. In the first place... That you have become his Mistress doesn't mean WE have to become sisters. The only sister I have is Angelica" Navier said

Rashta stepped back as more tears filled her eyes. She glanced around at the other ladies and her eyes widened as they were glaring at her. "Get out." Angelica said as she glared at Rashta.




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