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Shen Qingtang's neck stung slightly. While he was shocked, he noticed that the vine seemed to be trying to inject a kind of juice into his body.

Shen Qingtang squeezed his lips and tried to tighten his skin, but it didn't work. The juice was still injected little by little.

As the juice was injected into Shen Qingtang's body, the desire of the black robe became more and more crazy, and the mood also jumped.

It seems to be shouting. It's going to be a big meal soon!

However, Shen Qingtang found that his consciousness gradually blurred in the excitement of the black robe - the juice injected into his body seemed to have a paralytic effect...

Shen Qingtang's body softened little by little, and unclear light spots began to appear in his sight, and everything was getting more and more blurred.

Suddenly, his fingertips trembled, and there were vines coming out of his body uncontrollably and spreading around. The snow-white skin also showed a faint blue light and began to produce a unique plant trait.

In the trance of confusion, Shen Qingtang felt that he was going to become a tree, a real tree...

And at the last moment when Shen Qingtang was about to lose consciousness, a tender green bud snorted out of his head and crossed his waist fiercely.

Xiaoya glared at the man in black robe opposite.

Although Xiaoya has no eyes, the black robe can also feel Xiaoya's anger.

At this time, the black robe smiled vaguely, stretched out his vines-length hand, and grabbed Xiaoya.

He knew that Xiaoya was the core of Shen Qingtang's body.

Eating Xiaoya is equivalent to eating Shen Qingtang's heart. It's a big tonic.

However, Xiaoya stared at the black robe as if she didn't know the danger.

Feeling Xiaoya's unscrupulous domineering spirit, the blue eyes hidden under the clothes in the black robe flashed with a moment of hesitation, but soon, the hesitation of this moment was suppressed by the greedy desire.

He has never eaten such a good thing in the Lin family, and he has to pretend to be an adult every day. It's really too hard!

Now that I can finally have a full meal, how can I give up easily?

The smile of the black robe opened a little, and the vines gathered around the small buds from all directions, and then covered them fiercely!

Just in an instant, the little bud was surrounded by countless thick vines in the middle, without revealing a gap.

The blue eyes of the black robe were shining brightly and became more and more greedy.

Shen Qingtang was about to completely lose consciousness at this moment. It was only when Xiaoya kept reminding him that he bit the tip of his tongue crazily and stimulated himself not to completely fall into a coma.

The vines leaned towards the little buds.

Like a huge turquoise cage, those thick swaying shadows have completely pressed on the top of the little bud.

Obviously, such a tender bud is fragile, innocent and helpless.

However, it is not--

The little bud raised the leaves, looked at the vines above his head, tilted his head and picked them for a while.

Just as those vines were eager to try, Xiaoya actually stretched the leaves first and suddenly wrapped the thickest vine, "Wow" and nibbled it fiercely!

The Sick Beauty and Taoist Couple Dressed as VillainsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu