XXXIII - Final (Part 2)

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  Everyone cheered Foggy and Sarah up and yelled in a happy way congratulating and wishing them well for their future, while I was still trying to process the whole information regarding them being together and pregnant.

"Wait- So, that's why you were asking me if I was pregnant?" I asked relived.

"Yes! I got so excited!"

"We are so happy for you, girl" Nadia and I hugged Sarah at the same time. "I can't believe Foggy was hiding this from us all this time"

"He told me a while ago. I had to keep it a secret" Matt said to me.

"And I thought you two didn't even talk!"

"I guess we're still best friends after all" he smiled.

"Hey, sorry I kind of stole the spotlight and the point of this lunch. I had no idea" I heard Dan telling Foggy.

"Of course, you had no idea, man. Don't worry, this was a better idea" he answered.

"Ava, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure?" I was confused and curious at the same time wondering why Daniel Rand randomly wanted to talk to me.

"Good news" Matt said before we got alone with Dan.

"How do you always know about everything, Mr. Murdock?"

"Am I not a vigilante?"

"Ava, Matt told me about your work and you're current job situation. I know it's not exactly the best and everything you've been through with your ex-boyfriend in court and that old company. Life hasn't been easy on you. I also know how you think and how you're always there when someone needs help. For that reason, I want you offer you a position at Rand Enterprises, my company" Dan told me in a really serious and happy tone.

"Wow" escaped from my mouth.

"I've seen your curriculum, your studies, I did all the research and you're perfect for our company. We can give you great conditions and money. Think about it" he continued leaving Matt and I alone.

"Is this really happening!?"

"Yes, Ava. We are finally going to be happy. I promise you" Matt reassured me before giving me a strong hug.

"I can't just randomly leave my job though"

"Yeah, I know. I'm a lawyer. Just talk to them, it will be fine"

"You think I should work for Dan?"

"I only know one thing for sure. He is going to treat you well and give you a good salary"

"I still can't believe this is happening"

"You deserve all of this and more" Matt kissed my forehead.

After just a couple of days, I told Dan I was accepting his invitation to work for him. My previous boss was okay with it and even told me I deserved a better salary to start a new life with my (imaginary) baby. Yeah, she kept on thinking I was pregnant. To make it clear, I bought a test. We never know! Negative as I obviously knew! It was a little scary, I don't think I want to take another one anytime soon.

Foggy and Sarah were happier than ever. They had a healthy baby boy called Francis. Nadia was still dating Mark, I was still with Matt working at Rand's, Matt was working by himself and being extremely successful, the whole group was back at meeting up more often. Everything remained great.

I finally got the courage to visit Dylan at the cemetery. Matt was working, I had the day off. It was a chapter I had to close and I was okay with it. Dylan was not a good boyfriend, but I had loved that boy at one point of my life and it felt like it mattered something. I found his parents there and they were happy to see me.

I spent the rest of the day with my mom. I wanted to make sure I was spending the right amount of time with all the people I loved and cared about. My mom is still leaving far away, so whenever I come back home, I am absolutely tired.

I got back in time for dinner, but I was too lazy to cook. Matt called me as usual and insisted on taking me to his place for a special night. After trying to refuse a few times, eventually he made me say yes.

"I bought you something" Matt handed me a red box with a bow after a few minutes of getting into his apartment.

"It's not my birthday yet, Matt" I answered confused.

"Do you think I don't know when your birthday is? Silly! I hope you like it. I can't really see it, so I had to ask for a little help getting it. The ladies at the store were really nice, they even gave me a discount!"

"If I was single and saw a pretty man like you, I'd give you a discount too" I laughed while opening the box.

  It had a wonderful red dress and it looked very expensive. I was obsessed with it!

"Matt, I-"

"Please, don't tell me I didn't have to like you always do. I'm dying to know if you liked it or not" he nervously laughed.

"I love it so much! Thank you!" I hugged him tightly.

"Can you try it on? I would like to feel it on you" Although I was very tired, I wanted to see Matt happy. I agreed with him. "Not here!" he said right away. "Stay in my room until I say so"

"There are more surprises?"

"You know I'm not very good at surprises, but I try my best"

  I got in Matt's room, put the dress on and waited some minutes for him. He could definitely hear my heartbeat as my anxiety was getting stronger at each minute. I heard the main door of his place shutting which made me think that he was not alone.

"Close your eyes!" he yelled before opening the door of the room and I did as he said. He took me to the living room.

"You wanted to feel the dress, my eyes are closed, there are no judgments" I said.

"Don't lie to me! Are they really closed?"

"Yes, Matt"

"I love you, Ava" he kissed me. "You can open your eyes now"

  I was impressed. His living room had rose petals all over the place, flowers, the dinner table was set and had candles on it, slow music was on, there was a great romantic vibe in the air.

"How did you do this so quickly?"

"I promised I would never lie to you again, Foggy gave me a hand. It's not much, but I wanted tonight to be special"

"Aw, you really bothered Foggy to give me a special night? He really is a good friend and you're an incredible boyfriend"

"About that"

"What about that?"

  Matt used his computer to change the music. He put on that one Taylor Swift song we heard at 'Nelson and Murdock' office when we were still getting to know each other. Love Story. I was so happy he remembered that moment.

"Ava Davies" he got down on his knees. "These last two years were the best years of my life. You make me a better man, a better person and even a better hero"

"Matt, what are you doing?" I nervously asked.

"I can't see a life without you in it. I love you more than anything. Will you, please, marry me?" he took a ring out of his suit's pocket.


His smile began to fade.

"Of course, I will marry you!" I finished my sentence before getting the ring on my finger and kissing him passionately.

That's how I became Ava Murdock: A prestigious consultant at Rand Enterprises with a bank account full of the same amount of money I was firstly accused of stealing before meeting my husband. This time was mine. All done by the law of the attraction.


Law of Attraction (Daredevil/Matt Murdock fanfic) • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now