XVIII - Easy

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  The hospital room was cold despite sharing it with many other victims of the explosion at court. Some people looked worse than others. I could call myself lucky from not getting injured as badly. Although I had broken a very small part of my head near the forehead, it wasn't too bad. Only painful.

  I was scared and lonely, tried to look for Foggy just so I wouldn't be so alone, but they put him in another room. I thought I had nobody there for me and it was triggering my anxiety until the nurse came to check up on me.

"Hey. Ava, right? We've met before" I heard her asking until I realized it was Claire, Matt's friend.

"Hi, Claire. Yes, that's me. Yes, we've met twice" I answered remembering both days very well.

"How do you feel? Still in pain?"

"A little bit"

"Matt called me. He asked me to keep an eye on you"

"You should have told him I don't need a babysitter. No offence, I appreciate all of your help, but you know..."

"No offence taken. You think he is using me to stalk you?"

"Something like that"

"Ava, he was truly worried about you. I don't think it's about that. He only asked me to take care of you, which is my job"

"I know, Claire. He should be here though. Why can't he stop being- You know who"

  Claire sighed as if she knew better than anyone that Matt was way too stubborn and would never stop being Daredevil for a second.

"You know that will never happen" she said holding my hand as she felt my obvious disappointment and broken heart. "I know we've only met twice like you said, but I understand how you feel, trust me. I had to put myself first and I think that's what you should do too. You can't change his mind"

  It was clear as water that Claire was trying to tell me she had feelings for Matt in the past and it didn't work out for them. I wasn't sure how to feel about it. After all, I still liked him despite the fact that he kissed another woman in front of me.

"I have noticed that. He is so stubborn" I said.

"Whatever is going on between you two, I would recommend moving on as soon as possible before it's too late. Matt is not ready for a relationship and I don't think he will ever be" she said before leaving the hospital room.

  Perhaps Claire was right, but I thought it was too late already as the damage was done. Maybe I had to move on and didn't really need him, but why wasn't him visiting Foggy at least? He needed to sort his priorities.

  Few hours later, a doctor told me that I was ready to leave and that everything seem to be normal with me. I found Foggy in one of the corridors of the hospital. Everything was fine with him and he was also ready to go home.

"All good, luckily all my bones are intact" he said answering my question regarding how he was feeling like.

"That's good. I broke my head apparently, but nothing too bad"

"I figured it from all the blood you had on your face. You looked like a character from a horror movie. Is Matt coming here?"

"I don't think so. I haven't heard anything from him since the incident, and quite frankly I am not sure I want to"

"You guys need to talk and sort that out"

"How's Sarah?" I asked changing the topic.

"She's getting better. I haven't told her what happened yet. Didn't want her to worry about me. Well, us" he said making sure I knew Sarah still cared about me despite how upset she was when I last saw her. "Do you want to grab something to eat?"

Law of Attraction (Daredevil/Matt Murdock fanfic) • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now