XXXIII - Final (Part 1)

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I slightly began to open my eyes, trying to cover the sun that was coming from the window in the morning. I could feel the typical smell of eggs and bacon coming from Matt's kitchen. Finally left bed after yawning a couple of times and there he was. Matt trying to surprise me with breakfast was something that did not seem to change.

"Good morning sleepyhead" he told me.

"Hey, good morning. What are you doing?"

"Breakfast for us. Isn't it obvious?"

"You didn't have to"

"I don't wanna hear that today. Yes, I had to. Yes, I want to. Just get used to it for god's sake"

"Fine! Thank you" I smiled. "Good thing I'm not working today"

"Agreed! Foggy invited us for lunch. Seems like he's dating your friend Sarah again"

"Oh- What a surprise! He did tell me she wanted to hangout with him again, but I had no idea he was still interested nor that things were- happening already"

"Foggy is good at going back to exes"

"You can't really talk much about that matter" I said remembering Elektra.

"So- Sarah didn't tell you? Or Nadia?"

"Nope. We're fine, but we don't talk as much as before and this job doesn't really help with that either. It takes me a lot of time, I am always exhausted, nothing is the same anymore"

"Your friendship with them was very special and it's rare these days. I know people grow and things may change, but- Life is too short" Matt said possibly thinking about his friendship with Foggy.

"Are you and Foggy on good terms?" I was concerned about them knowing that they were not working together anymore.

"I think we are. I mean, I am not going to be ungrateful and ignore yesterday and all the times he helped you while I wasn't around. He told you we weren't working together anymore, didn't he?"

"Yeah, he did. Before all of this mess actually"

"Like I said, sometimes we grow up and choose different paths"

"Foggy is a good guy. Don't leave him out of your life. It's one of those rare friendships you mentioned" I told him.

"I'll keep that in mind" Matt smiled. "Let's try this amazing breakfast, shall we?"

  Breakfast was absolutely delicious as always. There was something special about the way Matt cocked his eggs and bacon. Once we finished, we both got ready and went to my place so I could put some fresh washed clothes on after taking a shower and be ready for lunch with our friends.

To my surprise, there was a change of plans. Dan was part of it and invited all of us to a fancy restaurant making sure we knew he would pay for everything as a thank you gift from all the effort we put on the day before. It sounded great to me.

Foggy, Sarah, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Colleen (Dan's girlfriend), Nadia and her new boyfriend Mark, who had been invited to Foggy's inicial plans, Matt and I were there sat at a long white table of a restaurant.

"Thank you all for being here today. Your presence is important to me. I know some of you had plans already when I started making invitations, so thank you for coming and putting both plans together" Dan started speaking out.

Matt laughed at the way Dan was talking making me slap his arm softly as a warning that he should not be laughing. To be completely honest, Dan randomly started sounding like an old king. It was partly funny.

"Yesterday was tough, but you were- thougher? Anyway- I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done. All of you. I managed to crack codes and find a lot of new files all thanks to all of our hard work yesterday" Dan continued.

"Sorry I couldn't help you guys. I was away in a different town, but came as soon as possible after everything" Colleen stated.

"Don't worry about that, babe. What matters is that we kicked their asses, I saw Gao being taken by the police on television and all of that felt great"

"What exactly happened yesterday?" Nadia asked more confused than ever. She did not know about any of their powers and was meeting some of them for the first time.

"It was a huge case that we had, nothing else" Foggy tried to ease her mind.

"You're all lawyers too?"

"Something like that, yeah"

Lying was never the best choice for anything, but I am sure Nadia and Sarah would understand why we had to lie to them.

"How have you been doing?" Sarah asked me as we hadn't spoken in a while.

"I am good. Just very tired" I answered.

"Are you sure you're not pregnant?" she whispered.

"Oh my god, why is everyone asking me that?"

Jessica was sat in front of me. She was quiet but observing everyone as always. I was sure that she was hearing our conversation. She laughed at what Sarah said.

"Chances may be low, but never zero" Jessica smirked after interrupting us.

"Jessica! You know damn well he can hear everything" I tried to whisper at her making Matt, who was sat next to me, laugh.

He put his hand on my leg under the table. "Is there anything you need to tell me, Ava?" he kept on smiling.

"No! I swear, I have no idea why- Ugh! You're making me have doubts right now"

"I'm joking. You'd know if you were. Right?"

"Right" I said unsure.

  Everyone randomly point that out was making me not only confused, but questioning everything about my life. Could it even be possible? Yes. Was it unlikely? Also yes.

"I always thought about having kids someday. A beautiful family with the woman I love"

"Who's that?" I laughed already expecting him to say it was me.


"I love you, Matt"

"I love you, Ava"

"Get a room" Jessica laughed. Although we were not talking that loud, Jess was a natural stalker and always paid attention to everyone around her. We liked her that way anyway.

  Lunch was fun. Everyone seemed to be happy interacting with one another and it finally felt like everything was officially back to normality. I could say I was genuinely happy. As if that was not enough, my friends gave me reasons to be happier

"Since everyone is getting all emotional doing speeches, I would like to make one as well. I promise it's a short thing. Important though" Foggy stood up having all eyes on him. "How do I even start?" he looked at Sarah.

"Come on, you've done this before. You can do this" Matt encouraged him.

"Matt is right. Not the first time for those who knew us before. Sarah and I had our ups and downs. As some of you know, we lost our baby months ago. We could be parents already. I know it's a fragile topic for some people, so... I know you've got the point. Those weren't easy times, but they only made us stronger. Sara and I didn't want to announce our relationship prematurely without knowing if we really loved each other. Truth is- We do. We never really stopped loving. We still do. We're happier than ever and- We've been blessed with another opportunity to be parents"

"WHAT!?" Nadia yelled.

"I am pregnant" Sarah said while trying not to cry.

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