IX - Expectations

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  Later on, as much as I did not want to, I went to Foggy and Matt's office. I couldn't be dumb again risking my life out there. I had to fix my place before moving back in. Life seemed to be slowly getting back to normal. Apart from one thing: The thoughts of me kissing Matt that other night.

Believing that he was single was not a problem. I believe he was. He wouldn't lie about that, would he? Perhaps that could also be one of his many secrets, although part of me thought she was just another victim of that pretty smile he has.

Someone I hired went to my place to fix the windows and I cleaned everything else. The floor wasn't on its best condition either due to the rain that entered through the broken windows all those days.

I would most likely have to invest most of the money I had on fixing my house and keep looking for another job. I did not have many years of experience, but I was good and loved my previous job as a digital designer.

I needed to have faith that I would find a new place to work at soon. All of this was consuming my brain in every possible negative way.

Dylan was going to pay for that. He had to. And I was about to see him in court just a couple of days later, which never fails to trigger my anxiety. The day has come.

"What's taking so long?" I asked Foggy impatiently waiting for Dylan to show up in court and the trial to begin.

"No idea. I hope they start this soon. It's been close to an hour already. I'm hungry" he answered.

"I hope he hasn't got into trouble with the cops"

"Why do you care?"

Someone came in the room and spoke directly to the judge, inaudible for us to hear. Apart from one person apparently.

"We're wasting our time here" Matt said making me hear his voice for the very first time that day and since the last time I saw him with that woman, Claire.

This time he tried to call me a few times after the incident, but for my own good I chose not to answer. After that, I am sure he knew I was at the office one day that he went there, but neither of us said a word to each other.

"What do you mean wasting time? What did they say?" Foggy questioned.

"He ran away. I knew it"

"He what!?" I interrupted making Matt take a deep breath.

"He escaped from the temporary prison he was at. I'm sure Fisk is involved"

"How do you know that guy Fisk so well? You keep blaming him for everything. What if-"

"Stop right there. It doesn't matter how or why. It matters that I know and that it's only going to delay everything for us"

"Whatever you know, you have to tell me. I'm tired of hearing you say you know this and that while I know nothing"

"You want to talk to me now?" he asked keeping me quiet and sarcastically laughing as in disappointment "I understand that life hasn't been good to you lately, but maybe it's time for you to understand that not everyone is bad. We've been helping you-"

"Matt, I don't think this is the right place for that" Foggy interrupted.

"I just need to say that I am completely-"

"I'm sorry, Matt. You're right" I started. "All of this has been incredibly hard and challenging for me to deal with and I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me"


"But I-"

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to apologise for the inconvenience of keeping you hanging for the trial to begin" the judge started. "Unfortunately, due to unpredictable circumstances that are out of our control, we will have to postpone this trial until we find a new date. You will be informed as soon as possible"

Law of Attraction (Daredevil/Matt Murdock fanfic) • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now