XXV - Locked

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  The morning after, I woke up from the noise of a glass breaking on the floor of my living room. I got out of bed as fast as I could to check and make sure nobody was breaking in.

"I am sorry. My reflexes keep getting worse, I guess" Matt said as soon as he felt my presence in the room. "I was only trying to drink some water"

"Don't worry, Matt. I'll clean that up, it's fine. Are you okay? Did you cut yourself with the glass?"

"I'm fine, thank you. Sorry for waking you up"

"I was awake already" I lied so he wouldn't feel bad.

"I'll buy you another glass or something"

"Shut up, you don't have to buy anything. Accidents happen"

"They've been happening a lot to me"

"Matt, you know you can talk to me. What's wrong?"

"We- Elektra and I almost died. Fisk is back, she needed my help, I fell for it and we almost- died"

"May I ask you how? If you want to talk about it, of course"

"To be honest, I am not completely sure how. Everything was going well until- I don't know, I think I got electrocuted and completely lost my hearing. They were too many and obviously got me" he said with clear disappointment on his face.

"How did you get out of it alive?"

"Elektra saved me"

"Turns out she isn't as bad as I thought"

"Yeah, but now she thinks I owe her something. Like I have to continue this with her"

"Okay, so she is as bad as I thought"

"It's complicated"

"I am sorry you had to go through that. I wish I could do something to help"

"You are helping already" he smiled "I found you just right after that. I am sure god put you in my away again for a reason"

"I don't know about that, Matt. Maybe you're right? Who knows?"

"I'd rather believe I am right"

Matt almost getting killed was somehow a way for him to open his eyes to how dangerous him being Daredevil was. What really confused me, was how that was not the first time. He had been through something similar before and nothing ever made him give up.

"Matt?" I said during a moment of silence.

"Yeah?" he answered.

"Why now? Nothing ever stopped you from doing your thing, you've never been afraid of death"

"I know. And I also know it doesn't make you happy. I want to be happy with you"

"I want you to be happy. I don't want you to stop doing what you want because of me"

"Yes, we've had this conversation last night, Ava. I know. Why can't you just accept that I am doing this for you?"

"Well, because you're the Daredevil. The one and only. You shouldn't do it for me. I respect your decision and I'm happy about it if that's what you really want. But I can't deny that you're amazing and you save many people's lives. I can't tell you what to do. I'll be happy with any decision you make"

"I appreciate your support, but I've made my decision. I gotta stop and focus on my life. And thank you for letting me stay over" he said putting his red glasses on.

"Wait, are you leaving?"

"I have some work to do, but we can have dinner later tonight if you want to"

Law of Attraction (Daredevil/Matt Murdock fanfic) • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now