I - Hangover

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"He did what!?" I heard my best friend yelling at me over the phone.

The sun was shining bright in Hell's Kitchen, New York and so was the headache I gained from a hangover. The morning regret after a night out with the girls is always expected and even though I don't drink often, this time I had a really good reason. We are allowed to have good reasons to drink alcohol, right?

My boyfriend and I- Well, ex-boyfriend, we broke up a couple of days ago. I've never been too good at spotting the red flags in men and this time wasn't different. I caught him cheating on me. Not to mention all the psychological manipulation he did during the last three years we dated.

Luckily for me, I can always count on my two best friends Sarah and Nadia. We went to high school together and never stopped being friends ever since.

"He did what!?" Sarah asked me over the phone. "We need to meet up. Now!" she continued.

"Sarah, I can't handle the huge headache I'm currently dealing with. I'm not going anywhere"

"Yes you are, Ava. You need to explain us everything that happened. I'm calling Nadia and we will be on our way to your place soon"


"Get ready! Love ya, bye!"

I love my best friends, I really do, but they're so stubborn and worried at times that I feel like they're my parents. Not in a literal way, of course.

Not much longer than an hour later they both showed up at my door.

"Hi girls, get in" I said.

"What did that idiot do this time!? Sarah didn't want to tell me anything" Nadia said.

"Ava didn't get into details so let's hear everything from her mouth"

My boyfriend- Again. Yes. EX! Sorry. Force of habit. He screwed me up while I was heavily getting drunk, precisely to try to forget him.

Don't do what I did. It doesn't work. Drinking to forget never works. You will only end up regretting it the following day, and keep thinking about him anyway. I would for sure, more than ever, but for another reason.

I woke up incredibly early, considering I went to bed at 5AM, trying to deal with my headache. I took a painkiller, but nothing seemed to solve the problem. I tried to fall asleep again and again but I just couldn't.

So what would anyone do in my place? Definitely not check the email box looking for work to do. But I did. #NotLikeTheOtherGirls? I'm just kidding. I couldn't be more ordinary.

Young adult working at a design company trying hard to pay the bills every month, just like most people do in New York. Ordinary enough?

As I was checking my email I noticed something unusual. It was Saturday, so why would I have so many messages? At first I didn't think they would be important. After all, I'm not supposed to work on the weekends, but there I was. Part of me wanted it to be a dream or just an illusion caused by the alcohol.

It wasn't. The manager of my department was talking about sending money to me and me owing favors to her... I couldn't understand half of it, so I firstly thought the emails had been sent to me by mistake. They had to be for somebody else. Until she phone called me.

"Ava!? Are you crazy!?" she yelled at me.

"What are you talking about?"

"The money you asked for. I sent it to you. And then-"

"Hang on! I didn't ask for anything. You know I wouldn't do that"

I know I was drunk, but I would never do that. I would remember.

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