XI - Exposure

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I was out with the girls at the coffee shop the day after. We had to celebrate and know the whole story behind Sarah and Foggy's engagement and baby. I still can't believe she's pregnant.

"I can't believe you didn't tell us about you and him" Nadia told Sarah.

"Sorry girls, we have been hanging out for months"

"For months? That's why you wanted me to have him as my lawyer so badly" I said.

"Yes, we were together already"

"You could've told us. Why does everyone always have to keep all their secrets away from me?"

"Calm down, Ava. Not everything is about you"

She was right. I was being impulsive.

"I'm sorry, Sarah. You're right. I just had a terrible night. I saw Dylan and- It doesn't matter. Today is about you and we want to hear the whole story"

"Oh my god. He showed up again? Did he hurt you?"

"I'm fine, he wants me back. Nothing new"

"Tell me you called 911" Nadia said making me roll my eyes. "Ava!?"

"Mr. whatever his name, protected me. The vigilant of Hell's Kitchen"

"The Daredevil guy? Again?"

"Yes. It doesn't really matter now! Sarah, please. I'm dying to know more about you and Foggy! I knew you liked each other, but to the point of getting married and having a kid? I'm so happy for you!" I said giving her a warm hug.

"What's going to be the name of the baby?" Nadia asked.

  I looked around finding someone familiar to all of us entering the coffee shop.

"Matt?" I said surprised.

"No, Ava! I'd never call my baby after Matt! No offence, he's cute and all, but no" Sarah said laughing out with Nadia.

  I noticed that Matt smiled. He definitely heard that, so I decided to approach him.

"Hey" I said to him.

"Hi, I didn't know you were there"

"Where were you last night?"

"With you at Foggy's dinner, Miss investigator" he laughed. "What's wrong?"

  I took a deep look at him, finding the same exact bruises Daredevil had on his hands, making me gasp in shock. He noticed and immediately put his hands in his pockets.

"Are you okay, Ava?"

  I was not.

"You- I- You're not-"

"Calm down. Let's talk somewhere else" he said crossing his arm with mine walking towards the door and smiling like nothing was happening.

"I'm not going anywhere with you" I said having Sarah and Nadia's attention, making them come to help Matt.

"Sorry, Matt. Ava saw Dylan last night, she's not feeling very well today" Nadia said.

"Is Matt even your name?"

"What are you talking about?" he asked nervously.

"You're not even blind, are you?" I said pushing him with both of my hands.

"Stop, Ava! Everyone is staring at you. Let's go" Sarah grabbed me by my waist and pulled me out of the café. "What's wrong with you today? Do you need to see a doctor?"

"I'm fine, let me talk to him"

"You're not talking with anyone like that"

"I have my reasons"

Law of Attraction (Daredevil/Matt Murdock fanfic) • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now