XII - Missing

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After finding out the truth, Matt asked me if I wanted to stay over his place. I didn't really know what to say to that. It felt wrong for some reason, although I felt safe there.

"I don't know, maybe I should go home" I stated.

"You know Dylan will be looking out for you there, don't you?"

I completely forgot I made the dumb mistake of telling Dylan I missed him and wanted to meet up. I knew I was going to regret it.

"Messaging him is not going to help with the case, is it?"

"No, Ava. But let's not think about it for now"

I sighed laying down on the part of the sofa that was free, wondering when the nightmare of my life was going to end.

"I am so dumb"

"I would say you're pretty smart for finding out who Daredevil was" he said smiling "you can stay in my room"

"No. I shouldn't even be here in the first place. I would be home if I didn't text that idiot"

"I'm glad you think he's an idiot. I questioned myself about it earlier"

"About me possibly still liking him? God, no"

"What a relief"

"Thank you for letting me stay and- Ah, you already know. Everything"

"I already know you care about me, so I want you to know that I really care about you too" he smiled.

"That's sweet. I'll stay here. I'm getting comfortable already. Plus, you stayed on my couch once. It wouldn't be fair to take your bed"

"Ava, you need to rest and this couch isn't that comfortable. Trust me, I know. I'll stay here, you can have the bed for yourself"

"How does that make sense?"

"I'm a gentleman. My house, my rules" he laughed.

"Fine. I'm going to bed" I murmured.

The bed was indeed comfortable and I had a peaceful night. Feeling safe was crucial. I hadn't had a good night sleep in ages and this helped. Matt helped.

I woke up with the smell of scrambled eggs and bacon coming from the kitchen. As the curious person that I am, I couldn't help but check what was going on. Matt was cooking and setting the table for us to eat.

"Good morning" he said with his huge pretty smile.

"Morning. That couch must be very uncomfortable for you to wake up so early and start cooking" I said still sleepy with only one eye opened.

"It's twelve"

"Did I sleep that much!?"

"Yes, you needed to. Take a sit"

"Yes, boss"

I got closer to him and the table, and saw that there were also some cookies, orange juice, bananas, and a few slices of bread on the table. I took a sit as he said. I had never been so excited to have breakfast like I was.

"You didn't have to" I said impressed and also feeling bad that he took his time and effort for me.

"I wanted to" he answered. "I got good news and we need a good breakfast to discuss them"

"They better be good. Tell me everything"

"Okay, so first- I think I got you a job interview"

"Are you serious!?" I sighed in relief happier than ever. "Matt, thank you so much! You're the best! I love you, man" I said while standing up and giving him a big hug, only then realizing what I said "wait, not in a literal way. I always tell my friends I- love- them"

Law of Attraction (Daredevil/Matt Murdock fanfic) • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now