XXXII - The Calm After

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  There he was. Foggy was on the floor after being attacked by Madame Gao, the powerful old lady who worked for The Hand organisation. He was not alone with her. It was extremely hard to believe, but Foggy was being saved by Elektra.

The two women were fighting as if they were not on the same team a few moments earlier. Foggy stood up, stole the pen drive that was on the floor next to him, and ran away from them.

"We have to evacuate the building right now, there is a bomb exploding very soon" Matt told Foggy.

"There is an exit nearby. Follow me" Dan warned us before running.

"I will meet you guys later" Matt suggested.

"You are not doing this again, Murdock" Jessica grabbed Matt's arm. "This isn't our fight anymore. Let's go" She told him while giving me looks.

"Matt... Please" I asked to make sure he would leave with us.

It was obvious that Matt was thinking about staying behind with Elektra and it is not that he could not help her, it is just that-I could not handle the risk of losing him again.

"Sure. Let's go team" he agreed eventually.

  Everyone was leaving at that point. Until I heard Elektra's scream and stopped right before even starting running being left behind. For some reason, I could not be indifferent to the situation.

She was the worst, she had tried to hurt me and even kill me before, but it felt like I had to do something. I know I told Matt not to stay there. This was something I had to do myself.

I walked back to them. Gao was suffocating her. Elektra saw me and was looking at one of her swords that was on the ground giving me signals to use it. I picked it up and was too scared to use it. My body was shaking and panicking at that point.

As I kept walking closer to them, I accidentally stepped on something made of metal which made a huge noise echoing the room. At least it was enough to distract Gao and make her look back at me. Elektra stabbed the lady with her second sword.

"You're too weak" Elektra told me.

"You're welcome" I answered right before quickly beginning to run away once again finding Matt halfway. I tried hard not to panic after seeing all that violent scene.

"God, you're here!" Matt said in relief.

Matt and I found our way out through the escape door Daniel had found earlier. They were all outside waiting for us already. We kept running and running until we had a safe distance from the building and were all out of breath.

"Is everyone okay?" Jessica asked. "How did you randomly disappear, Ava?"

"Sorry, guys! I- kind of fell and nobody noticed" I lied.

!!!! POW !!!! We heard the huge noise of the building finally exploding from the bomb making us all jump scared. All I could think about was Elektra in that exact moment. I could not stop myself from wondering if she was outside and safe. Why should I care anyway?

"There was nothing we could do" Matt put his arm around my shoulders. "She chose her path"

"Do you read minds too?"

"I know you well enough" he smiled.

"I am gonna have to lie to the police because of this" Foggy interrupted. "We need to pretend that my car was stolen. It's all gonna cost me hundreds and hundreds"

"You should be happy you weren't killed by a middle aged woman" Matt said making us all laugh. "Let's get out of here"

  We got in a van Jessica had brought to that place. Matt and I stopped by his house. We were both completely exhausted. That day did not seem to have an end. I could not believe I was finally laying on a couch with Matt again. The silence was killing me.

Law of Attraction (Daredevil/Matt Murdock fanfic) • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now