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John B was taken to jail, then to the court. 

"John B Routledge, you were found guilty in first degree murder. If convicted, the maximum sentence would be the death penalty."

Rush echoed through the hall.

"You can't do that!" Y/n yelled. 

"He's seventeen!" JJ joined her.

"Silence in courtroom!" 

Sarah ran towards John B, JJ with Y/n started yelling at the guards, Y/n's eyes filling with tears. JJ pulled her closer. "We'll figure something out. John B, we'll figure it out!" He turned and yelled behind her brother. 

"... Thank god the system works, after everything your family have been through." Y/n turned at him in disbelief, some guy was talking to Ward.

"Oh my god, shut up! Of course you think the system works, because it works only for you!" 

"He will be judged."

"He shouldn't be, you should, because you are the murderer!" Kiara yelled at Ward. 

"Yeah Ward, you are the one that should be judged." Y/n took place next to Kie.

"I understand you are upset, he tricked you, all of you." Ward was talking bullshits.

"Upset? Upset? I'm not just upset!" Kiara stormed towards Ward, Police stepping in pulling them away.

They all started yelling at each other. 

"You wanna get arrested? Go! Leave, now!" Shoupe yelled at them.

Y/n locked eyes with Ward and said. "You are forgetting I was there and I saw the whole thing. And I'm not gonna let my brother pay for yours mistakes." Shoupe was looking between them, Ward looked genuinely scared. Pope had to take her hand and drag her away, while she was still giving Ward the death stare.

They were all trying to come up with a plan how to get him out of there. Sarah and Y/n wanted to testify under the oath, JJ was angry that no one was listening to his plan, Kiara was trying to get money from her parents and Pope was on a hunt for some clues. Apperently, this Limbrey woman wanted something from him, exchange for tape that could prove that John B is innocent.

All of these ideas were stupid. They knew no one would trust Y/n or Sarah, Kiara got kicked out. JJ managed to bail different guy from jail. Only Pope was succesfull and found the key, probably after Denmark Tanney. But it would took too long before he would be able to find that woman, or even figured out to what that key belong.

"We could kidnap Ward." Y/n said into silence.


"That is even more stupid idea then JJ had."

"Guys we don't have time. John B might get his sentence any day now, and we need proof. If we surprise him when he's alone, he's not gonna expect it. There is five of us, he's one."

"I'm not going to be part of this. He's still my dad." Sarah said.

"Fine, there is four of us. We don't have to like beat the shit out of him or tie him in basement. If we provoke him enough, we can record him saying something compromising."

"I don't like that." Pope said and Kiara agreed with him.

"But it might work." 

"My dad is a bundle of nerves right now. Okay, and if there's not gonna be any violence, I'm in. He might give up soon if he sees me."

"Fine. We are gonna go to your house Sarah, and we would watch if he's going to leave the house alone, then we can try it. The worst that could happen is we get cops called on us or we gonna run away."

"Nothing new." JJ smirked. 

"Okey guys, let's go. I still think it's stupid idea." Kiara was the first one to get up.

They hid in the bushes in Cameron's backyard, lurking. It was almost dark, when Ward finally got out of the house, walking towards the dock. 

"Come on, now." Y/n said and they walked out behind him. 

"Hey Ward." He quickly turned around, fear in his eyes when he saw all of them coming his way.

"What are you doing here?" 

"Dad you need to help us, they can not kill John B, you know he is innocent."

"Sarah, sweetie, he messed with your head, just stay here with us and I will help you." 


"Shut up Ward! She's not staying here with you, she stays with us. You need to make things right Ward. You and I were there, we all know John B wasn't the one who pulled the trigger, and god help me, I love Rafe, but I'm not going to let my brother die just because of your stupid mistakes and decision." Y/n snapped at him. 

"I think you all need some medical help kids."

They all started talking at him, trying to intimidate him, making him back off few steps. It almost looked like he is going to say something, Sarah was right he was really nervous. But what they didn't know, was that Ward hired new security, who out of nowhere showed up behind them.

"Hey! What are you doing, stop!" Three men were running towards them with guns in hands. 

"Run!" JJ yelled, and all of them started running. Y/n took off few seconds later then the others, she was still looking angrily at Ward.

"Stop or I'll shoot!" The guards yelled, all of them running towards the wall.

Three gunshots echoed, and Y/n fell to the ground. Sarah stopped, tried to run back to her.

 "Guys! She's hurt." Y/n's body was just laying there. They all looked at her in shock, at her lifeless body. 

"We gotta go."

"No! We can't leave her here!" Sarah was crying, JJ was holding her, tears forming in his eyes as well. 

"Guys the guards are coming, we have to go." Kiara said, sobbing. They all took one last look at Y/n, then turned around and left. 

Kook or Pogue? // JJ and Rafe x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz