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We looked around, lot's of drunk people, kissing people and even high people. 

„Y/n I need to pee." Becca yelled into my ear because of the loud music. 

„Okay, let's find the bathroom." We went downstairs and tried some doors, we opened one and interrupted some girls and one boy having a threesome. „Oh shit, sorry." I quickly closed the door and started laughing. The next door for thankfully the bathroom, Becca went in and I was waiting outside. 

„You got 60? Okay 40, but you know, 40 isn't enough for the amount of coke you've been doing tonight but I'll let it slide this time. Only because you are hot." 

I turned around when I heard the familiar voice. Rafe was sitting with his back turned to me, counting money, surrounded by girls and with a table covered in money, coke, and blunts. At the same time, I was shocked and pissed. I know we are not together, but I was still jealous. But that Rafe is a dealer? That was a shocker for me. Another shocker came, when he lined one to himself and sniffed it. Becca came to me, asking if everything was fine, with me just telling to her to get out of there. 

„Oi, waitress! Can I get a burger with fries?" Kelce noticed us before we could disappear.

I saw Rafe freeze in his move, and slowly turned to face me, he looked me up and down but he didn't look into my eyes. He felt guilty. He felt guilty y/n saw him like that. 

„Fuck you Kelce." I told him and showed him the middle finger. I grabbed Becca's hand and I dragged her out of there. 

„We should've never come here. It was a mistake." Becca told her, as they got out of the house. 

„Yeah, it was. Kooks are the worst. But at least we have this for the road." y/n showed her the tequila bottle she grabbed when they were leaving the house. 

„Nice, girl!" 


I gotta say, this was a pretty long way home, Becca and I got waisted and it took forever. When I got home I fall down on the three steps that led into our house. „FUCK" I yelled out loud and then started laughing. „Sis, what the hell are you doing here, it's like 1 in the morning. Are you drunk?" John B got out of the house. 


„Alright, come on let's get you to the bed." John B picked y/n up and bring her inside her room. He took her shoes off and put a glass of water onto the bedside table. 

„You know what B, I love you bro." y/n told him already half asleep. 

„Yeah, I love you too sis."

I woke up what felt like twelve hours later, with a massive headache and I felt like I could throw up. I took a sip of the water my brother left me there and went to take a cold shower. I washed my hair, the water actually made me feel better, put clothes on and went out.

What the hell is Sarah Cameron doing here? I saw her talking to my brother. She better not be making any trouble. I met her while she was leaving. 

„Aren't you on the bad side of the island Sarah?" 

„Yeah, I'm on my way back to the sweet rich world of mine. Bye y/n." ugh, I felt sick again. 

I walked over to John B, a smile playing on his face. „What did she want?" 

„Uhm, nothing I guess. She just told she wasn't the tell on me to Ward." 

„Yeah, I don't believe her." I mean, she's still a Kook.

We talked for a while when JJ and Pope showed up. They were chattering about something when I noticed Pope's bruised face. I jumped out from my seat and went to him „Oh my god, Pope what happened?" 

„We were doing some deliveries and Rafe and Topper jumped me. They stole my stuff and Rafe beat me with his golf cane." 

„That motherfuck- I'm gonna kill him." y/n was full of rage. 

„We got back at him right Pope?" JJ had a proud smile on his face 

„What did you do?" John B asked them 

„I let his little boat disappear." 

„Oh my god, tell me you did not Pope." John B was shocked. 

„Nice job buddy! Yeahh!" I laughed and high-fived with him. Pope was always so careful, so now I get why is JJ so proud of him. I am too. I was still furious about Rafe, I took my bike and ride to Figure Eight to his house. 

I found him outside, doing something on his motorbike. When he saw me a huge smile appeared on his face. „Hi, baby, what are you-" I stopped him as I smacked him in the face. He was staring at me, hand on his cheek. 

„Are you fucking crazy Cameron? What the fuck do you think you doing, beating up Pope, huh?" 

„Oh, so this is about your little pogue black friend? Come on, that was just a little fun." He smiled at y/n, which only made her more furious. 

„Fun? Are you fucking insane? Is your little brain fried from all the coke you've been taking or what?!" y/n yelled at him, Rafe quickly covering her mouth with his hand, looking around, hoping that no one heard her. 

„Stop yelling, and talking about drugs okay? Look I'm sorry you saw me like that okay? I'm trying to handle it. Can you trust me y/n?" Y/n pushed him so he let go, full of emotions. 

„No Rafe, I don't want anything to have with you anymore. Leave me and my friends alone, you got it?" Y/n turned around, grabbed her bike, and rode away, heard from distance Rafe calling at her to stop and talk to him. She didn't stop. No one is going to be messing with her friends. 


Later that day, everyone was chilling in the hammocks, y/n sharing one with JJ. They were sitting across each other, her legs on top of him. We were talking and laughing, everyone was convinced that we are going to find the gold. Pope and Kiara left to go home, and John B went into the house. JJ and y/n stayed outside, when JJ asked her where she went earlier that day. I was pissed, so I went to Cameron's house and smacked that little bitch in the face." 

"You did not." he couldn't even hide the enthusiasm.

"Well I did, and I hope he's not going to talk and I'm not gonna lose my job."

"If he's going to, then I'm gonna be the one smack him in the face." JJ smiled at y/n while drawing little circles on on her bare legs. 


The next day morning we all went to the x marked spot on the map, wanted to use the drone. „To going, full kook." John B told us before he put the drone into the water. Pope, as the geek of the group, controlled and directed the drone. John B was checking the location, JJ was trying to keep the boat in the same place, Kie has unwound the rope and I was checking the depth at which we are. 

I made the first line as we hit the first point. The weather was going bad, the storm was coming, but we were almost there. We have to hurry up, the storm is too close and the waves are getting bigger. 

„I'm at the bottom! I'm at the bottom!" Pope yelled at us. 

„Okay, steady here JJ!" 

„Will do John B." 

„You should be seeing something man." John B was very impatient.

„I know, I know man. Wait- Wait!" We all looked at the screen 

„Oh good god." I said at the same time as John B. 

„Do you see anything??" JJ yelled at us. 

„It's the Royal Merchant." John B gasped. 

Y/n run to JJ to tell him it's there. 

That they found it...

Kook or Pogue? // JJ and Rafe x readerWhere stories live. Discover now