The very next day we took a trip to a cemetery because John B had an idea about the clue my father might have left for him. Kiara climbed into the crypt and found some FedEx package, B was convinced it was from our father because there was a note left on it, something my father used to call him. It only made me think that I never had a relationship with my dad like this, he never get to call me by nicknames, or even think about leaving me clues in a gold hunt. 

We came back to the Chateau, and John B opened to package. We were all so curious about what we could find there. There was a map with coordinates and a marked spot, probably where the gold should be. I grabbed the package to look into it and pull out a tape recorder, I pressed play, and the voice of a man echoed through the room. By the look at the face of my brother, that was our father's voice. 

„ Dear bird. I hate to say, I told you so, but I told you so. And you doubted your old man. I suspect at this moment, you're filled with guilt and self-loathing over our last fight, but don't kill yourself just yet kid. I didn't expect to find the Merchant either... You were probably right to call me out. Wasn't exactly Father of the Decade. What can I say, kid? I could smell the barn. And hopefully, we're listenin' to this together in our brand new sugar-shack down in Costa Rica livin' off passive investments and pulling on permits. If not, and you find this for less than optimal reasons well, that is what the map is for. The X, there she is, the wreck of the Merchant. If anything happens to me, just finish what I started. Find the gold, bird. I love you Bird, even if I didn't always act like it. See you on the other side..." 

Then the record stopped. My father did it. He found the gold. I've had tears pulling into my eyes because for the first time in my life, I was pleased to hear my dad's voice. And at the same time, I had to realize that I'm never going to be able to meet him because he is gone. 

He's dead. 

The tears were rolling down on my cheeks, John B got up from the table, sobbing, and left the room. I left to go after him as I heard JJ and Kie bickering. 

John B was sitting on the porch, I came to him and hugged him, without another word. It was so much harder for him to lose our father. He was crying uncontrollably, his whole body was shaking. „Shhh B, it's alright. I'm here, it's going to be okay." 

„No – no it's not. He's gone y/n. He's officially gone. I have no hope anymore. He's-" 

He couldn't finish the sentence, he grabbed me even tighter as I was stroking him on his back. „John B. John B look at me." I told him as I pulled away a little bit. His eyes were red and cheeks wet. 

„Listen to me now okay. Our father is gone. But there is still the legacy, the research he left for you. He had a belief in you, that you will finish it, and that you will find the gold, and get out of here. Let's make him proud and finish what he started okay? Let's find the gold." Y/n told him while looking into his eyes and wiping his cheeks. 

He started to nod. „Okay, yes. Let's do that." I could have seen the determination in his face.


We were sitting at the pier when JJ came, of course, with the money question. 

„Alright, let's talk about how are we going to split the money. And! Before we say „evenly", may I kindly remind you that I am the only one that can properly defend us from those grouper who were after us. Protection is not cheap okay?" 

Y/n punches him hard into his shoulder, and he almost falls into the water. 

„What the fuck y/n? That shit hurt!" 

„Come on, protect yourself, big man." I wasn't in the mood for his stupid talks. 

Everyone started talking about what are they going to do with all of that money. What am I going to do? Probably leave the Outer Banks. Find some nice place to live, somewhere peaceful. 

I never really had a plan for the future.


The treasure hunt kept going, and as it seemed, nothing around it was legal. JJ came up with a great idea of stealing some kind of underwater drone, to check the location where the shipwreck was supposed to be. Well, not steal, they called it to borrow. John B was determined to bring it back. 

„Okay loves, I'm out. It's another illegal activity, and I have a shift at work." 

„Seriously y/n? You gonna leave me with them alone doing this stupid thing?" 

„Yeah, sorry Kie." 

They dropped me off at the Wreck and left for their mission. I had my shift again with Beck and today also Matt joined us. It was pretty full during lunch but other than that it was a good day. „Okay m' ladies, what are u up to tonight?" Matt turned at us. „Nothing in particular." Becca told him as I nodded to that. 

„Then, I'm going to invite you to a party. It's a kook party, but it doesn't really matter, I think you'll just blend in. What do you think?" 

„Yeahh, umm I don't know Matty, I mean it's a kook party." 

„Come on y/n, if you are not going to like it there, you always can leave, and besides that, we all deserve a nice drink after this shift." Well, I mean it didn't sound that bad. And it definitely wasn't because of the thought that I could possibly meet one kook prince there. 

We both agreed and decided to go home and get ready, and Matt will pick us up later. I got home, no one in the house, quickly got into the shower to wash. I only had like 20 minutes left. I've put my hair into a messy bun, it was too hot for loose hair anyway. I've never worn make-up, but this time I've put a little bit of mascara on my lashes, I looked at myself and felt dumb, so I washed it off again. That's better. I've put on one of summer dresses, this one was blue and had thin straps and a floral pattern.

 I've put on one of summer dresses, this one was blue and had thin straps and a floral pattern

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Matthew picked her up, already with Becca sitting in front. Y/n jumped in his car, and about 10 minutes later, they arrived at Figure 8 to the house. The party was already going on, people everywhere around, music blasting, and lights everywhere. 

Pray lord for the backup generators right. 

They got in People not really giving them any attention. That's a good sign. Matt got them a beer and showed him around a bit, then left them alone because some friends called him to come over. 

„This feels weird right?" I turned around at Becca. 

„Yeah, we just don't fit in here." She took a sip of her beer. 

„Fine, here's the idea. We look around the house, and if we are still going to feel like this whole thing is bullshit, we will just walk home, hm?" I suggested and Becca agreed. 

„And let's enjoy some of their expensive booze since we are here." I started laughing at her statement.


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