29 - Make-up & Make-out

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ATTENTION: long chapter ahead!

Also a PSA! I will be changing "Madelyn's"(the FMC)  into the name into "Mara". Simply because I don't like the name Madelyn anymore and it doesn't fit the story. And to note that the previous chapters have been altered, so RIP Mads x


With a wink of an eye, I catch a glimpse of the flicker of sunlight coat my bed and something annoying buzzing in my left ear.

My lazy, half-lidded eyes drift to the wave of the sound. I pause.

I wipe hand over my face when I realise it's my phone with the contact name "Leon" lighting the screen with that irritating ringtone playing along with.

I shut my eyes in frustration. No break when working under Leon.

The Don.

He got that name after his father died, my pozio.

Fours years has already flown by.

The oldest son is the heir, he gets everything to the title to the lands and estates. However the second son, doesn't get the same treatment.

A shame for Santi.

I'll admit, I got better treatment than him. I got put as sottocapo at age twenty-one when Santi got the position of being his brother's right hand man.

That's a piss-take. I'd never put Rico as my right hand man. Just because Rico shouldn't be disrespected with the name "De Luca," not like Doug deserves disrespect, he doesn't have the last name "De Luca" but he's still a brother.

Santi probably had it out for me for since fucking his girlfriend a few years back not to mention taking his position even though I fucking earned it.

The damned motherfucker sits in his ass all day, always moping around about something.

Without a doubt, Douglas does his job better than him.

My lips curls with the thought of punching him in the face, since it felt nice the other times.

The ringing feels as it's getting progressively louder every second. I don't feel like picking the phone up with Leon in a bad mood. He was never a morning person and I don't want to deal with that eight in the morning.

I switch the phone to silent then left it on the nightstand to vibrate.

I finally turn my head only to see an empty side of the bed.

Where's bela?

My eyes pounced around the room, then stopped to the sound of a soft grunt from down below.

"I can't.." A muffling noise from the distance.

I stand on my feet to made my way to the other side of the bed where I saw Mara laying on the cold floorboard with only her underwear, curled away. The sun shining on her pretty tanned skin.


What is she doing the damn floor?

Naked on the floor.

I squatted down to her level. I reached out and ghosted my thumb over her delicate soft arm that could shatter beneath my touch.

Fuck. She was sleeping on her floor because of me.
I was selfish. I had got what I wanted then shut her out.


At least I'm self-aware about it.

And I'll admit, she didn't deserve it.

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