16 - Creepin Nightmares

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Also a PSA! I will be changing "Madelyn's"(the FMC) into the name into "Mara". Simply because I don't like the name Madelyn anymore and it doesn't fit the story. And to note that the previous chapters have been altered, so RIP Mads x


Holy cow, jumping out of a window is breathtaking, quite literally.

The view outside is breathtaking but it's also taking my real breath away.

My asthma is always taking the best of me in these situations.

One, breathe out, two, breathe out again, three, and finally breathe out. I have use this technique that my Papa had taught me ever since I was young, but sometimes I forget to and get carried away when being under pressure, I've coming close to the grave from them.

Once I'm on the pavement on Nico's land, I feel the hot air glide across my arms and almost blows my white mini dress away.

I know a mini dress isn't the correct attire for a house keeper, but Nico has told me that he doesn't want me to wear my actual house keeper attire, which is plain out ridiculous.

He is ridiculous.

How can he just kill a man in cold blood? And he defended himself by saying that the man was hurting me and murder runs in his blood?

Yes that man, Raja was hurting me but the way Nico handled it made me think that he was going to hurt me also.

I thought he was sliding out his gun from his pants to hurt me.

He should have given me a warning before hand other than giving me no indication of what he had done next.

This morning has me overwhelmed, that's why I'm taking the time to go out and explore and I don't care if it is forbidden.

If I take the same route to the town that Zina took, then I'll be perfectly fine, since I am new to this city.

I release a huff from all this thinking, I take a step back without looking around for my surroundings and I thump onto something, more like someone.

"Are we going somewhere?" A raspy voice of male grows behind me.

If it wasn't for his voice, I would thought it would been Nico.

So I turn around to see who this person is. When I turn around, my eyes land on jet black attire which is modelled by a muscular man with his arms crossed against his chest, not as muscular as Nico.

I take a chance to look up, the man in front of me has tousled blonde hair and darkness splattered into his irises, he stands a few inches taller than me.

"Who are you, may I ask?" I drawl out, he looks at me with a smirk across his face.

"Mr De Luca's bodyguard, Alec." He pauses for a second. Nico's last name is De Luca? And Nico has bodyguard, well more than one, they're scattered around his home.

Who even is Nico? Is he someone important to be having this amount of guards?

"And I'm assigned to tell Mr De Luca that you have jumped out of his window instead of using his front door." He finishes off.

I sigh out, we'll he's got a point.

"No please don't tell Nico! I'm doing nothing wrong, I promise. I just need some time out to the house. I will be back shortly, I promise!" I plead with him as I'm point my palms together and trying to shoot my big green eyes at him.

A sigh escapes his lips, he parts his lips to speak. "Fine, I want you to back in an hour."

"Thank you, thank you Alec!" I squeal out with satisfaction.

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