6 - An Inked Body

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Also a PSA! I will be changing "Madelyn's"(the FMC)  into the name into "Mara". Simply because I don't like the name Madelyn anymore and it doesn't fit the story. And to note that the previous chapters have been altered, so RIP Mads x


My eyes slowly squint open and i look around to scan my surroundings. I look around to see a place that I'm not familiar with at all, the floor is cold which my bare calves are exposed to as I'm wearing a beige pencil skirt and an oversized white button up shirt. Everything around me is pitch black which is what i am normally used to.

I try to move but I simply cannot do so. Then I realise that my hands, they're tied together against my back. I try to rip my wrist out of the grip but the grip feels like chains as it feels like glacials are running through my veins.

Where am I? Why is this happening to me?

While my back is on the chilly icy wall and my legs are laying on the floor are vibrating so i try to resolve it by putting my thighs together and hope for the shaking to stop. All at once my heart beats like it's going to come out of my chest, i feels so lightheaded and sweat rises on the top my forehead. I quickly gasp for air, rapidly breathing in and out like Papa had always told me to do.

In and out-

Suddenly I hear jingle sounds coming through the door that i cannot see, i presume. I hear a loud click and the door is unlocked, I close my eyes and i also turn my head in triumph to hide from the terror.

I hear the door burst open and i try to gasp in terror. I'm getting overwhelmed, I open my eyes and I'm terrified that it might be Marcus or Sir Robert breaking open the door because I still cannot see who exactly it is until the person switches on the light which allows me to see his face. The light is quite dim and flashes every second.

My vision becomes blurry for a split second. My vision comes clear and I see a tall figure come closer to me and my delicate heart drops to my stomach when I see the man that looks about six foot. I look closer as the man comes closer too in my view, his eyes like the colour of that type of alcohol that Sir Robert occasionally drinks. I think it's called whiskey, I read the label of the glass drink that Sir Robert used to put on the kitchen counter. I'm absolutely mesmerised by his squinted shaped eyes with amber coloured irises. Then I come to view to see a scar. A scar that goes across his left eye, it's dark, thick and it look like it was caused by a sharp blade.

His brown brunette hair sways in the air as he moves. His hair curly at the top and the hair on the side of his head are shaven into fade like a gradient. His figure is big and bulky in the black dress shirt he's wearing. His muscular form fits tightly in his shirt. The arms of his dress shirt goes down to his forearms revealing his inked patterned designs sitting on his his tanned skin of his arm, including his hands. I look up to his face again and he has a sharp jawline that looks if it can stab into you, his chin is filled with dark hair and there's additional hair right under his bottom lip and a little mustache that's short. His lips, red as blood and so plump which would make any woman want to kiss them.
Do I want to kiss them? No! Mara stop it, this man can probably kill you in a second.

Regardless, he's beautiful. He's not like anyone I've seen before.

There's inked writing on one of his chuckles but moves too quickly to see what it is written. There's also a flower's petal design above his knuckles too.

His big hand reaches for the chair from left of the room and once he had a tight grasp on the chair he places the chair right in-front of where I'm sitting. He swiftly moves towards the metal chair that he placed before me and sits, he rubs his nose with his thumb swiftly with a straight poker face then one of his hands motion towards his pockets of his black slacks and reaches for something.

Sweat is dripping off my faces down to chin. My heartbeats are intensifying each second. I'm currently breathing heavily not knowing what this man in front of me is going to do. Is he going to kill me?

He rummages in his pocket. What if it's a gun?!

Oh God, this is the end for me. I'm going to die...like this?
This is not how I planned to die.

He finally pulls out, a small box. His fingers motion to the top of the box and unravels it and pulls out a stick which is long and then he proceeds to put the white stick with brown at the end between his plumped red lips so skill-fully. His hand reaches in for something else in the pocket he got the small box from. He swiftly pulls out a black lighter and moves it closer to the stick between his lips, his thumb is on the spark wheel of the lighter and briskly moves his thumb down to create a flame from the lighter onto the brown end of the stick.

He motions to put the lighter back in its place and the man takes his hands out of his pocket to lead his thumb and middle just holding on to the stick. He exhales and a big cloud of smoke is produced and it goes straight into my lungs as i am still breathing heavily and I struggle to breathe.

I stare right into his whiskey coloured eyes as he inhales again and exhales larger amounts of smoke right into my face which I inhale. I burst out several nasty coughs as I cannot bare it no longer. It feels like I'm going to end my life right here and he couldn't care less.

"S-s-stop please, I can't breathe-" I wheeze out, gasping for air again.
I look up in fear and I see him rolling his amber eyes.
"That's the fucking point." he finally speaks.

His hand reaches in for something in his pocket again, and I see my own pink inhaler that I carried in my bag and it's coming out of his pocket, gripped in his hold. He bolts the inhaler in my mouth and he pumps only one into my mouth, I inhale the air and exhale frantically I pull the inhaler with my teeth to tell him to give me more pumps of the inhaler as I couldn't do it myself due to my hands being innocently tied up.

He pulls out my inhaler out off my mouth and throws it behind me while keeping his eye contact with me.

"I-I need mor-." before i could even finish not like i could, because i was out of breath he interrupts me.
"Don't be so greedy, freckles."
My mouth opens ever so slightly from the response he gave me.

My thighs are still shaking in fear, so I put them together and squeeze them.

He continues the eye contact while I try to avoid it.
"You have a minute to tell me who you are and what we're you doing in that alley where I was, before I blow your brains out so I don't get hear you stupidly breathing so heavily anymore."

Then it clicked, he was the man that shot the innocent man who was begging him too not shoot him on the head. I must've fainted and he caught me then out brought me here. I had gathered enough oxygen to fulfil my lungs, so I open my mouth to answer him.

"I-I'm sorry Sir, I didn't mean to. I just heard noises and my curiosity got the best of me, I apologise."
My lips quiver as I look down in shame.

I put my head up to see what he's doing next and he reaches for something from his back and reveals a black matte gun, my eyes bulge out in disbelieve. He places the mouth on the gun on my temple, I immediately close my eyes while flinching and I'm struggling to breathe once again.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't blow your fucking brains out with just one click of my gun."

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