084: Saving Timber

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Upon arriving at the Marquis Household, Eugene received a warm welcome from his younger sister.

Eugene felt helpless as he carried Eunice in a princess style and apologized while walking inside the mansion. Euric descended the stairs gracefully, looking affectionately at his two siblings, and informed Eugene that he had asked the chef to prepare his favorite meal.

"So, what did Casimin say about Timber's condition?"

Eunice glanced at her brother Eugene and Euric, but since she couldn't understand their conversation, she obediently sat on Eugene's lap while sipping her tea.

Euric's smile vanished, replaced by a serious expression. "Timber is under the spell of geas."

Eugene frowned.

From his recollection, geas was a forbidden demonic spell, once practiced by necromancers who were later eradicated along with the demons. Necromancers were considered enemies of magicians and wizards, as they disrupted the balance between life and death.

He had not expected Klius to possess knowledge of such a spell.

It appeared that the Rozans were not as he had perceived them to be – they were far more dangerous.

"Eugene, Timber's stepbrother may have delved into dark magic; it's incredibly dangerous."

Eugene took a sip of tea and patted Eunice's head.

"The Rozans family is adept at concealing their true nature."

Geas was categorized as dark magic due to its ability to command any creature to fulfill the caster's desires, forcing them to carry out specific actions or refrain from certain activities. The caster could issue any command, except those leading to certain death, and the spell would only end if a suicidal command was given.

In essence, one's life was at the mercy of the caster.

The fact that Klius had gone to the extent of commanding Timber to fall into a deep sleep was alarming. Eugene couldn't help but feel anger building up within him. Fortunately, the mana he had injected into Timber's body was preserving him [Timber]. Otherwise, Timber's body would have decayed, and he might have turned into an undead creature.

Eugene tightened his grip on the cup, his eyes glistening.

He thanked his brother for taking care of Timber and couldn't help but share what he had discussed with the emperor.

Euric grew concerned and said, "Finding a suitable candidate won't be easy."

Eugene shared the same sentiment.

"If I weren't already engaged to Kaizer, I would risk my marriage for Timber," Eugene admitted.

Euric's hand trembled, and his eyes widened. "Don't speak like that."

"But brother, I'm desperate."

Euric lowered his gaze, clearly struggling as well.

In the end, Eugene excused himself to visit Timber, leaving his brother lost in deep thought. Eunice licked her lips and followed her big brother to visit Timber.

Glancing at his little sister, Eugene sighed, relieved that Eunice didn't seem to notice the prolonged absence of their parents. The Marquis and Marchioness hadn't spent much time with Eunice, so her lack of deep attachment to them was a blessing now that they were gone.

Upon entering the room, Eugene immediately checked Timber's condition and infused him with mana to preserve his body. Eunice watched her brother perform magic in awe and clapped her hands.

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