016: Unexpected

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On another eventful day, as the upcoming selection got nearer by days, everyone was full of energy and talk about what type of selection they would be.

Eugene this time dragged Timber into Warfare selection to be listed.

He wanted to make sure that Timber would be in the same group as him so they register in advance thinking of the possibility that groupings aren't chosen randomly but based on the students' capability.

"Don't sleep."

Eugene taps Timber's cheeks who is drowse.

"It's your fault, you woke me up too early."

Eugene chuckled: "Don't you want to join Warfare Selection? If you can't practice being an early bird then you'll suffer in the actual battle game soon."

Timber suddenly woke up and look at Eugene with wide eyes.


Looking at Eugene with teary eyes, Timber hugged Eugene while showing a pitiful look. How come he suddenly regrets his decision now? It isn't too late to back out right?

Eugene: "Do you still want to be with me?"

Timber gulps, "Go! Of course, I go!"

Eugene chuckled and ruffle Timber's head.

On the other side, Eullian looks in Eugene's direction while pursing his lips.

Seeing Eugene's intimate gesture to Timber made him dislike Timber, thinking that Timber is snatching his brother away. That Eugene's attention is supposed to be his because they're siblings and Timber is just an outsider!

"Don't look."

Clarence blocks Eullian's gaze and sighs, "Don't push yourself on a person who doesn't know how to value you. Besides your brother Euric is still there and no matter what you are still Eugene's brother. So you don't need to take what Timber is saying to your heart."

"B-But Clarence, w-why does Eugene dislike me?"

Clarence's eyes darken.

He also doesn't know why Eugene hated Eullian. To him, there is no reason to hate Eullian and Eugene is just being unreasonable and willful.

"Don't care about it, it's not your loss anyway."

Clarence admits, that he is also jealous of Timber but that doesn't mean he will accept Eugene's attitude of not caring for his own twin brother. He can't tolerate such a character that's why he leaves Eugene and choose to be friends with Eullian who had no friends and is so weak and lonely. 

However, memories of relationships aren't easy to forget, especially whenever he saw Eugene's attitude of treating him as a stranger.

He's the one who left, what right does he have?

Clarence accepted the fact that what was broken cannot be mended, nor be recovered from the same state. Eugene and he had long drawn a line that no one can cross so the past cannot be mentioned no matter what.

"B-But Clarence, why Eugene still ignores me? Did I do something? Does Eugene not really like me? I try very hard to be liked by him but everything is futile, he still prefers Timber over me."

Clarence felt heartache.

"No, Eugene, h-he..."

"You don't need to lie to me, Rhapael always mentions to me that I am disliked by my brother so no matter how much effort I put in just so he could notice me, he wouldn't look at me because he doesn't like me as his twin brother."

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