062: Back To Empire

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"Is everything ready?"

Eugene mounts on his horse. Yesterday before the said departure, Eugene was called by Duke Del Viltaria to help open a big portal. Eugene with Casimin follow their father's order and the three of them create a huge portal that surprises everyone. After all, creating a portal will consume a lot of mana so it wasn't that used much unlike teleportation.

But everyone must arrive together.

Duke Del Viltaria, knowing that his two sons are strong enough and have an abundant amount of mana suggested creating a huge portal together so they can arrive at the empire in an instant.

Eugene had no objection because why not?

He doesn't want to stay in a ruined kingdom and he is too lazy to travel for a long time so he agreed with the Duke. Now they all line up, riding their horses while the remaining soldiers will march as they entered the empire.

Grand Duke Karsten, Duke Del Viltaria, and Marquis Shradinza are on the front line.

While he, Casimin, Rasiel, and Kaizer are on the second.

Oh, right, the second prince is also present with his royal armies but since the second prince locks himself up in a room and refuses to socialize, a relationship wasn't built that much. Anyways, no one is at a loss and the four pillar families are on the neutral status.

Rasiel: "I can finally go home! I miss my dad so much!"

Eugene looks behind from his peripheral vision and saw that Timber's stepbrother is staring at him blankly. This man, since arriving at the warzone would not get close to him but would always watch his move. What's more? Eugene has shown his strength and this lunatic would probably not dare to fight him head-on.

Unless he's plotting other means to vent his anger.

"Wife, as my reward I would request for your marriage in front of the emperor."

Eugene didn't speak.

——In Rozan's Household, everyone is busy to welcome the arrival of the eldest master.

It was officially announced that the soldiers will arrive today so Count Rozans order the servants to prepare for a big dinner. However, contrary to the liveliness of Count Ronzans and the servants in the mansion. Timber who is staying in her mother's room is still crying while holding his sick mother's hand.

He also heard that the soldiers will return today and knew that Eugene would be there.

Though expectant, Timber close his red eyes and clench his fist. The day when the Shradinza army depart, his mother collapse so he wasn't able to see Eugene for the last time. He thought it was fine, his mother is more important because he knew that his friend is strong and he will come back after the war.

Eugene is strong...he is different.

Watching his mother's deteriorating health, he is helpless.

His father has been hiring a lot of doctors and even magicians to check on his mother but no one can understand his mother's disease. A church personal even came into the mansion to bless his mother but nothing still change and his mother is still the same, slowly becoming thinner and weaker, unable to get up from the bed.

He doesn't know what to do.

How come his mother who is so strong can be reduced to this situation?


Timber was startled and raised his gaze asking with a hoarse voice, "What's the matter, mother?"

Countess Fiona open her mouth and said in a slow manner...

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