028: Tell Me

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Euric sighed upon seeing his little brother who only realizes his presence after picking Timber.

"Is your health fine?"

Eugene nodded, "It's good, thanks to his excellency, I recover earlier than expected."

Euric patted Eugene's head and look at Kaizer who is standing behind without speaking and just looking at them, "How about your young excellency? Is your body alright? I heard you had a mana outbreak, it must be difficult."

Kaizer just nodded, "It's good."

The surrounding is silent.

Eugene didn't want to bother Kaizer anymore especially since he don't really like staying beside him [Kaizer], if it weren't for the duke then he won't pretend, but after all the duke treated him carefully, and even asked his preferences and the servants in the castle make him happy. Who is he to act arrogant in a place that treated him right?

"Kaizer thank you, also tell the duke that I'm really grateful to him. I will leave with my brother first because I haven't seen them for a while."

Kaizer clench his fist and nodded.

"T-Then I'll see you for tomorrow's selection."

Eugene let out a sigh of relief as he watches Kaizer walk away and turn his gaze to his brother who is staring at him silently.


Euric shook his head.

"Nothing, I think you need to see the selection list first and prepare for tomorrow."

Eugene nodded.

His brother is probably worried about tomorrow because he just recovered. Nonetheless, even if he doesn't practice he knew that he can do well and pass the test. After all, he came back to the past and even experience countless worlds where he is living his life dangerously and is always on the brink of death. A mere selection that he had already experienced is nothing but a practice to recover his strength and prepare his body for war.

Following his brother while holding Timber's hand.

Eugene stood in front of the bulletin board and couldn't help but grinned.

As expected, he's a leader and Timber is actually under his wing?

"Surprise? I told you I can do it!"

Timber happily encircles Eugene, while boasting about the test battle that happened and how he defeated his opponent. All thanks to his friend to teach him and told him how to observe the competitor's movement. If it weren't for that trick then he [Timber] would get injured in participating in such an event.

Eugene is really amazing!

"It's really a good job."

Eugene chuckled if only Timber knew that he [Timber)]became his right hand with a swordsmanship comparable to Clarence.

It's really a talent.

Euric: "Warfare selection is dangerous, as a senior I'll be one of the watch-out, an observant to prevent students from cheating. You two better behaved well and not cause trouble to me."

Timber pouted, "Who will cause trouble?! You better step out of our way!"

Eugene just chuckle.

Going back to the dormitory, Brother Euric said goodbyes and separated his way. Tomorrow is a big day so almost no one in the academy fools around. Students are either in the practice room or resting in the dorm for tomorrow's big fight.

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