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XXX friend and foe XXX

Christophers pov.
I felt betrayed. I felt the world crashing down around me,  each piece shattering so close so violently,  threatening to wound me. My best friend,  my savior, the one who brought me out of my naive world, had brought my enemy to my doorstep.


It was our graduation ,the start of our vacation, everything was perfect, until I caught sight of  Charlie Wingham Skyfeld approaching Evaine with a bouquet of flowers, wait what...  CHARLIE IT'S ENOUGH TO SEE HIM AT SCHOOL NOW HE SHOWS UP AT  HER GRADUATION!! --THAT  LITTLE ...... And Charlie smiled at Evaine ... SMILED !  —-- By now the whole school was looking at this new couple: Evaine took one look at his red tinted cheeks, grabbed his wrist and proceeded to drag him out of the assembly hall and away from prying eyes.
I was too far to hear his words, but I'm sure , in her rush Evaine probably hadn't either. This was becoming too much for me. It was crazy.

I took out my phone and texted Evaine :

IT only took seconds for her to reply
"First of all, ew no, he looks like a lamp post. Second of all, I would never do that to you.

Thinking about it now, it is ironic how at that time she supported me and later let CHARLIE into the flat, to LIVE with us for the WHOLE summer. SOME friend, SOME vacation that was .

Why'd you run away with him then?
I asked .

                                                             Because his mind is fucked up and I need to know why.
                                                                                                                     She replied.

So ladies and gentlemen this was how our summer was spent. God knows how long we spent ignoring each other. She tried, I'll give her that, but she tried the wrong way for the wrong reasons.

Evaine's a great person, she was there for me every time I needed her. She has always been the best friend a boy could ask for, but the problem is she never understood one thing. I get it she has issues, I do too . But she hurts everyone around her and expects them to forgive her. She isn't good with relationships of any kind.The thing is she doesn't realize what she's doing, she's always trying to help other people around her but she can't save everyone.

She tries to see the best in everyone yet she doesn't see herself

In her head, she's surviving, but she's living each day as if it were another life. She doesn't see them all connecting, having an effect on each other. She has a big heart, but it is only able to devote itself to a single person alone. It makes me so damn angry. Once upon a time that person was me, a young naive boy, blaming himself for his parents neglect. Now ,it's Charlie F*cking Skyfeld.

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