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xxx our end xxx

"Sure." I allowed him into my room, closing the window behind him. "So," I sat on my bed as he toured around the room. "Batman, there is something I need to tell you."

"I could say the same." Said Batman. What did he intend to say, you ask? He intended to explain the situation to her in light of forgiveness for abandoning her for so long.

"Okay, you go first." I prompted.

"No you." He insisted.

"Alright. I'll go. I don't want your financial support anymore." I explained, too tired to argue who should go first.

For Bruce, his entire world came crashing down. He knew he had made a mistake so he came here to rectify it, but it seems the person whom he hurt as he made the mistake doesn't want anything to do with him anymore. It seemed two years was a long time to leave a child alone, especially one that was merely 9. But the child standing in front of him wasn't at all 9, but 11 years old and apparently stable enough to cut off his support.

"Why?" was the only thing, better yet sound, that came out his mouth without it showing any signs of the tears in his eyes.

"Because then I'll owe you too much. Not like I don't already, but- It was the first time I've accepted someone's help for so long. The period of receiving needs to finish before I start paying back, and I'm marking an end to it." I had made the decision; there was no going back now.

"Who said you need to pay me back?" Bruce once again tried to retain his parental rights.

"The world, bats. You need to know that it's in my nature to respond to giving by doing the same for them. I've pushed down those instincts for far too long and now they've sprung back up. they demand I repay you. SO please just wait a couple years. I'll give back everything you've done for me."

And like that, our chapter ended there. Our first chapter, of course. At the time, I thought it would be the last of any superhero I would encounter in my life. That, my new life was done with all the drama and the sad good byes.

It was all wrong. So much more was to happen, yet... there I stood, saying goodbye without knowing any of it. Without knowing what had yet to slaughter these little hopes of living a peaceful life there on out.

I wonder why I thought I would be okay. I was in Gotham after all.

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