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xxx bomb xxx

Max blushed slightly at the compliment.

" You think I'm pretty?" He sheepishly smiled. I scoffed. 

"That's what you got out of that entire sentence?" I questioned. He chuckled in reply. He proceeded to pick up the heavier bags while I carried a small one and the cat in hand. And then we continued on the way home.

"What's its name?" He asked me as we walked.

"I've decided to call her Mino for know, but I'm debating on it." I told him. Max looked at the cat.

"I don't think you should name it that." he gave his opinion.

"Hm?" I looked at him confused.

"In folklore, Mino is a magic spell cast by a supernatural being to confuse, disorient or make people lose their way." Max explained. My mouth formed an 'O'.

Out of nowhere, I heard a beeping noise. It was faint, but it was there. It was much like... a bomb?

"Do you hear hear that?" I asked.

"Hear what?" He asked. I slowly looked around trying to find the source of the sound. My eyes landed on a garbage bin. Max got a gist of what was going on so he put down the bags, and took the cat and the shopper from me. 

With nothing in my hands, I walked towards the bin. Mino jumped down from Max's arms and came near me, rubbing her face against my leg. I looked down with a little smile.

"WATCH OUT!" I heard someone shout. I was pushed away from the can as it exploded. Max was pushed with me and we both landed on the opposite end of the street. I coughed as I couldn't see through the smoke, but I heard grunts. When the smoke cleared, I saw Young Justice fighting Blackfire.

I was zoned out though, still trying to process what had happened. By the time I was back to my senses, the fight was over. I felt a bad sting on my arms so i looked. A big gash was dripping blood down my arm. I saw a scorch mark next to me. 

A laser beam from Blackfire must've come my way. I was too out of it to realize I was hurt. I got up and walked to whoever I first saw. It was Robin.

"Hey have you guys called the medics?" I asked him. He turned to me.

"No why?" He asked.

"Because-" And then I fainted. My last thought was, 'Huh, so this is the boy wonder I was replaced with.'

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