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I ran away. 

It was shameful, but I just couldn't believe it. The biggest asshat of a bully I knew was crying. And I saw it. Now he was gonna beat the crap out of me the next time I saw him. I didn't want to see him again. But if I did, how would I react? What if the next time we meet, instead of him beating me up, he asks me not to tell anybody and we end up falling in love?

Lost in my train of thought, I took turns that lead me somewhere in the city I didn't know of.

I don't know where I stopped, but it must've been one of the slums. The buildings were cracked, lined with moss. There was a murky smell strewn about the place. I saw no people, no one other than a small white kitten. I got closer to it. The cat stepped back in fear.

"Hey there, baby.. Are you lost?" I murmured. The cat was thin and defensive, so either it was abused or it didn't have an owner. I searched in my pocked for something to eat and I found some beef jerky. I tossed it over to it. The cat gladly gobbled it up. 

Still with a defensive posture, it got closer to me. It sniffed my hand, and then rubbed its face against it, purring. I picked it up.

"I guess you are. You have no collar.... How about you come with me?" I asked it. The cat meowed in reply. I smiled.

"Guess we're family now, little Mino." I said a loud the first name that came to mind, but the cat seemed to like it.

On my way home, I picked up cat food, cat shampoo, litter, a litter box, dry clean powder, a brush, a tub and a collar. It was hard to carry those things and the kitten, so I decided to call Chris to help me with them.

I went to a nearby phone booth and put in a penny.

"Hello?" came from the other side.

"Yeah, hey Chris, I need you to help me. I picked up a cat, but then I bought it's stuff and without any mode of transport, you're gonna have to  help me." I quickly explained.

"Well, my name isn't Chris, but I could help you?" The other side offered. My first instinct was to apologize.

"Oh my god, I am so so sorry." And then I considered my options. I didn't have any more pennies, I need help and this man was offering it. On the other hand, he damn well may be a kidnapper and may take me somewhere he can butcher me and sell my organs. But if I didn't get home in under an hour, Chris would butcher and sell my organs anyway.

"And yes I would appreciate your help. I'm at..." And I gave him my address and waited. In about 15 minutes, a boy a little older than me appeared from around the corner. 

"Max?" I call out the name he had given me on call.

"That's me. Evaine?" He returned.

"Yessir." I smiled. He came closer and looked at my stuff. His eyebrow raised at the amount of things I got.

"That's a lot for one cat." He ommented.

"Yeah well, I didn't know what to get so... I got all of them." I told him. His shock became more evident as his face turned to me. I shrugged.

"So, you ready to escort me home, pretty boy?"

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