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xxx slapped xxx

I stared in shock as Charlie stood in front of me. Blush lit his head like a Christmas light. My face showed probably the most incredulous expression I could make.

"What. are you doing, Charlie?" I asked as the rest of the school watched in awe.

He mumbled something under his breath, not making eye contact.

"Huh?" I prompted him to speak louder. He looked at me. His face grew redder (I didn't know that was possible) and he pursed his lips before taking a huge deep breath;


My jaw dropped. My brain couldn't process. It just couldn't. What the actual fuck? Did my bully- did he ask me out?

When I registered what he had said, I grabbed his wrist and stomped away, pulling him along with me. It was his turn to blank out. I dragged him to a secluded alleyway.

My phone dinged.




First of all, ew no, he looks like a lamp post. Second of all, I would never do that to you.


Why'd you run away with him then?

Because his mind is fucked up and I need to know why.

It seemed while we texted, Charlie regained his senses, and the lovestruck expression turned to a cocky yet unsure smirk.

"Listen, Eve, I get it. I'm hot. But don't you think we're moving a little... too fast?"

My eyes went wide again as I let out a furious breath through my nose. I couldn't help it. I slapped him.

His eyes expanded.

Passerby looked at us with 👀, but what I felt would be more comprehensible as 😀.

He still didn't move, despite it being a couple moments. I couldn't blame him. I was stuck in place too.

We both were thinking the same thing, I just knew.

'What the fuck just happened'

I'll tell you what. I just fucking slapped him. I didn't process fast enough to apologize, and he smirked as he turned towards me. I was still stuck in the awkward position my hand was in after slapping him.

"I knew I liked you."


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