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xxx job xxx

After my 9th birthday, I never saw Batman. Not for a long, long time. He just stopped coming. No notes, no goodbyes—nothing. He just vanished. Couple days later, it was announced that Bruce Wayne had adopted Richard Dick Grayson as his son.


So he couldn't spend time with me anymore, huh. Must've been too busy training his protégé. It was understandable. I loved him, that's why he left. No one wants my love. It's a curse. I loved my parents; they abandoned me. I loved my younger brothers; they were killed. I loved my boyfriend; he raped me and sold me to a slave trade. Bad things always happen when I love someone. Why didn't I realize it before?

It's all me.

It's my fault that I'm alone.

But then why would he go away? I didn't exactly love him. I just saw him as a significant role in my life. Did Bruce find Dick better than me? He probably would've. Dick was so much better anyways. I mean, I can't do varying and slightly concerning levels of parkour. I don't have ambition. I don't want to learn how to fight. I just want to live peacefully.

Maybe that wasn't what he wanted. Maybe what he wanted was a good fighter—someone strong. What if I changed myself? What if I became more like what (I thought) he wanted? Would he visit me again? Yes. Yes, he would.

But the money. Where would I get the money from? I need to pay rent too, since Batman is likely not to pay it. The light bill, water bill, gas bill—so many things to do. The first thing she could do is work. But where would a nine year old find work? Maybe as a cleaning lady. Or perhaps at a.. flower shop! That's it.

I rushed to find a flower shop near the house, and thankfully found one about a mere 5 blocks away. I used to walk 12 blocks to my previous workplace, so this was good. The flower shop was filled with scents of sweet and bright flowers, along with soap bars designed for each one specifically.

I heard the creak of a door opening, and saw an old lady walk out all tired. Oh Good. She would be easy to convince.She had white hair that was tied up into a bun, and subtly blue eyes.

I ran up to her and smiled. "Hello, Miss! How are you?" I inquired. The woman smiled.

"I'm just fine this evening. And you?" She replied in a small sweet voice.

"I'm fine too!"

"Well, then. Which flowers would you like to buy?" The lady asked me.

"Oh, uh—I'm not here to buy flowers. I was wondering if you could give me a job here..." I told her. The woman look surprised.

"A job? A job?! What will a child like you need with a job? Don't your parents provide for you enough?!" The lady asked in shock.

"Well, Miss, I'm sure they would've if they were alive." I replied, guilt tripping her. It seemed like it worked. She instantly looked apologetic.

"Oh, child. I'm so sorry." She said. "Sure, sure you can work here. What's your name?"

"It's Evaine Murphy. And you?" I asked in return.

"Kimberly Scotch."

I smiled. I had just gotten a job without an interview. Suck it, unemployed-ness. 

EvaineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora