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(And now Evaine needs therapy.)

So now I had 2 roommates. Both boys. Now I did clear up the misunderstanding between me and Charlie (picture above), but he still didn't want to leave me be. He still thought I deserved a lot more kindness than what he had given me, and agreed to move in.

He was with us for the entirety of summer vacation. 

And Chris? He was mad at me. And he had every right to be. He slapped me the first time he found out, but I knew he had a right to do that and more. Charlie had given him so much trauma, treated him less than an animal and I just brought him into the one place he was supposed to feel safe-- I would have reacted much more badly had I been in his position. I had bought his abuser to his house, and told him he would be living with us. 

He didn't talk to me for months on end, and kept throwing glares and dirty looks at Charlie. Even when I tried to explain. But there was one time it got especially bad.

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST TRY TO LISTEN TO ME FOR ONE SECOND?" I screamed. he had been ignoring us for 2 months. At this he snapped his head in my direction and gave me the scariest look I had ever seen on him.

"You're asking me why I'm not listening? You bitch. You absolute bitch." He scoffed. "You want to give me an explanation to why you fucking brought him here? Let me tell you something. I don't care why. You know, maybe I've finally figured out why your parents left you.  You hurt everyone without meaning to, and then expect them to forgive you, even when the shit you've done to them can prove more than traumatic. And worst part is, you don't realize that about yourself to apologize for it."

I stilled. Was he right? Was that why so many people had left me? Was that why everyone seemed to stay far away from me? I clenched my fists, and bit my lip upon the realization. Every time I tried to save someone, someone else had to get hurt instead. When I was with Max, Mino died. When I was with Charlie, Chris was ignored. Just like that, in the past, when I was with my boyfriend, my brother was killed. As I mourned over his death, my boyfriend sold me.

I have always had to chose between people. I was never with both. But right now, the way things were, I knew I couldn't show weakness to Chris, because he would use it against me. Especially when we were fighting.

"You're right." I admitted, my voice cracking. "But you remember the day I saved you from him?"

Chris, later on in the years, did tell me that he in fact did remember. I held him all night as he sobbed for the loss of his parents. I slept with my arms around his his neck as he snuggled in my nape. I made him pancakes the next day.

"The day Mino... passed... I saw him there in Gotham Supreme lane. He had a black eye, and his father was shouting inside, and then I heard a vase break. I saw his shoulders jump at the sound." So I might've forgotten to mention those little details to you before, but it was true. 

Chris pursed his lips.

"You might've been ignored, Chris, but trust me when I say getting attention isn't always the best." I explained calmly, despite the fact that I was anything but.

"Now I'll leave you to cool off." I mumbled as I exited the room. Beside the door stood Charlie, who without a doubt had heard everything. When we made I contact, he opened his mouth to say something, but decided against it and shut his mouth.

I looked away and continued on my way, going to the park a couple blocks away before sitting on a bench, puling up my knees to my face, and sobbing.

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