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"Alright, Evelyn, I need you to breathe for me okay" one of the nurses instructs me from the side of Lando's bed.

"I can't, it's not working" I clutch onto Lando's hand for life as the pain becomes too unbearable.

"You can sweetie, look at me, in through your nose, out through your mouth. One more time, ready.." she attempts to take me through some breathing exercises whilst I sit here and hyperventilate.

"We need to get here into a delivery room, asap" another nurse indicates, rushing into the room after the alarm bells were sounded.

"No, No, I'm not leaving him. I'll do this right here if I have too" I depends, grasping onto Lando's hand tighter.

"Honey, we cannot deliver your baby in this room" the original nurse chuckles, declining my request.

"I can't do this without him" I cry.

"Is that other boy still in the waiting area?" she asks the other nurse.

"I'll go and check"

"Honey, you need to come with me okay. You're going to have this baby today and we need to make sure we do this in the safest way possible for both you and the baby"

I shake my head through my tears, but I know I have to go. Lando would want me too.

I hold onto his hand until the very last second before the nurse wheels me away in the wheelchair.

I cry, the entire way from the ICU to the Maternity Ward, I completely dry myself up of tears, yet somehow they just keep falling.

"Evelyn?" I hear in a pant from behind me.

"Charles?" I do my best to turn around as the chair is going fast through the hallways.

He appears at my side and holds my hand tightly, giving me the reassurance I need.

"We've got this okay? Together." He whispers as we are lead through the doors of the maternity unit.

Only 20 minutes later, I'm pushing for dear life, baring down as hard as I can as the nurse guides me through my contractions.

Charles hasn't left my side through all of it and his reassurance and patience with me has been a god send.

"Ev, I can see his head, keep going" he gasps.

I take a few deep breaths, feeling the burning sensation pass through my lower walls and then I know it's time.

Time to deliver our baby.

Time to deliver Lando's son.

"There he is, a beautiful healthy baby boy" the nurse gestures as she wraps him up tightly in a blanket, passing him up to my arms.

Cradling this new life in my hands, I gaze down upon him, the shiny and pale skin, the deep blue of his eyes, the already dark curls forming at the top of his head.

"He's here" I whisper, but not for anybody in particular.

"He's beautiful, Ev. You did it" Charles gasps beside me.

I look up at him over my shoulder yet it's impossible for him to tear his gaze away from my baby, and that's when I notice the tear cradled in the corner of his eye.

"Charles?" I whimper.

"Uh, sorry yeah" he stutters, swiftly wiping the tear and then his nose whilst clearing his throat. "You did it, Ev"

"I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you for being here" I appreciate, as he presses his lips to the top of my head.

Gazing back down at my baby, I'm overwhelmed with emotion, I can't believe he's finally here.

UNLOCKED - LANDO NORRIS [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now