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Monza felt the way I needed it too.

I've been here for nearly 2 weeks and deciding to throw my SIM card into the bin at the airport and force myself to seperate from Lando and Charles was the hardest decision I had to make, but it's proved to be worth it.

It hasn't stopped me from thinking about them every moment of every single day, but I meant I wasn't able to hurt them anymore.

Nothing in my memory had returned, but I think I was starting to give up on the idea of getting it back. Just as Dr Armidale had said, focusing so much on my past was impacting me from living in the now, from creating my future.

Max had won at Abu Dhabi, claiming back his World Champion title, and I was happy for him, yet resentful of my mother. I knew his win was just another thing she needed to function, but I hadn't gotten to the bottom of why Max threw his race, but right now, I had to be selfish and just focus on myself.

I've spent every morning here participating in a sunrise yoga session inside of Monza Park, and I felt like not only was it helping regain some of the strength in my legs, but I was able to connect with like minded individuals who have been doing this for years now. I've particularly gotten very close with an beautiful couple in their 70s, Lorenzo and Isadora, who attend every session without fail.

They have some of the most beautiful chemistry and have been able to give me some really generous advice about the secret to long lasting relationships. Watching them together makes me miss Lando. It makes me envious for the memories I have with him that I don't remember.

As this mornings session comes to a close, I flick the two braids over my shoulder as I crouch down, rolling up my foam mat before placing it down with the others at the edge of our little sectioned off area.

"Well, I think that was my favourite one yet" Lorenzo comments as he places he and Isadora's mats down just after mine.

"You sat out for half of it" Isadora mocks, placing her hand on his shoulder in comfort.

"That's the point" he chuckles. "Did you want to join us for some breakfast Evelyn?"

Chugging down the remainder of my water bottle and swiping my hand over my brow, where I've surprisingly picked up some sweat, I shake my head "Thank you, but I'm actually going to go for another run"

"How are your legs feeling, sweetheart?" Isadora comforts.

"Really good actually" I chirp. "Each day I try and go a little bit further"

"Don't you injury yourself again, dear" she gives me a stern look of warning.

"I won't" I chuckle, waving goodbye to them and thanking Isla, our instructor.

As I set off down the Viale Brianza main drag, the brisk winds of the approaching Wednesday morning dance across my face as I pick up some speed.

Turning down onto Viale Cavriga, the picturesque streets that are bordered by the encroaching trees looks to be plucked straight out of a scene from Twilight. I feel the slight trickle of light rain as I continue down the path, passing a few other early morning runners.

Coming to the cross section which leads down the middle of the park, cutting it in half, where I usually turn down right about now, I consider going further, pushing myself that little bit further.

Gazing up to the skies, I study the incoming clouds and approaching rain, considering how long, and how intense the storm will be.

I decide to push on, convincing myself that it's just a bit of rain.

Not even 20m down the road, and the skies open up completely and downpour onto the ground below. Making my way out into the main streets, I dart across one of the streets before rounding the corner and taking the shortest way possible back to my hotel.

Coming up to the golf course entry, I consider stopping inside the club and waiting out the storm. I lunge myself across to the other side of the street when I come to an instantaneous halt as the tyres of the oncoming vehicle come to a screeching stop.

"Jesus!" I gasp, as both my hands end up on the bonnet of the car, "Watch it" I scream at the black sedan.

I move backwards from the car and just as I'm about to continue toward the golf club, I hear the cars door open and then close.

"Evelyn?" I hear being shout over the top of the rain.

Turning around, it's a little difficult to make out who belongs to the voice through the torrential rain, and I didn't want to trust my minds allocation.

I take a few steps in the direction of the car, as they do to me.

"Ev? Is that you?" Asks the voice again.

My breath hitches in my throat when I come up face to face with the driver.

"Lando?" I ask in disbelief.

"What are you doing?" He shouts with a smile.

"Just going for a run" I indicate.

"No, I mean here, Monza" he gestures around.

"Lando, do you think we could do this later?" I suggest in a shout, failing miserably at trying to shelter myself from the rain.

"Get in" he commands, gesturing toward his car.

Without thinking I round the car and hop into the passenger seat, looking down at my legs where my tights have been permanently stuck to my skin.

As Lando hops in and closes the door, I glance over to him, still in shock that he is here.

He looks absolutely breathtaking right now, his wet curls stuck to the side of his face and small beads of raindrops clustered at the edges of his eyelashes. Even as he blinks them away, the way they settle on his cheeks forces my eyes to watch their decent.

"Where are you staying?" He asks.

"Hotel de La Ville" I inform

His reaction is unmissable, "what?" I shrug, "that's where we always stay for Formula 1. It's familiar"

He chuckles slightly, "yeah, I know. Have any memories come back from being there?"

I shake my head "no. They haven't."

Lando pulls out into the streets of Monza, the rain impeding his ability to see slightly.

"Why are you here, Lando?" I spit out, sounding a little more irritated than I intended.

He glances at me slightly before returning his gaze to the road. "I'm here for you"

"For me?" I gasp.

"I've been to every place in this world where I thought you might be. It makes sense now, that you'd be here"

"Why?" I ask.

"We fell in love here, Ev"

UNLOCKED - LANDO NORRIS [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now