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Much of my days remained the same. I started to travel into the city to the local pool to meet Dr Neto and felt absolutely exhausted after my session with him. Who knew swimming was so tiring.

I pretty much did nothing else.

I went to therapy, I went to physical therapy. I came home. I drew.

And I drew a lot.

Gazing around my studio, at my not so subtle shrine to Lando, I promised myself to buy a bulk lock next time I was in town and lock this room up permanently. I couldn't run the risk of anyone seeing this. It's stalker level.

I also liked to read and I found myself getting through books at lightening speed, but I needed to swap genres. I was sick of ready about the date designed love and all the soul mate crap. Truth was, life was hard. And it wasn't getting any easier. Nothing just seemed to happen like it did in the books.

I found myself thinking about Lando.. a lot.

So much of me wanted him to be happy and it seemed like with that girl, Charlotte, he'd found some form of happiness with her and I needed to be okay with that.

She was absolutely beautiful, that much was obvious, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that she was better for him in more ways I wanted to accept. A big part of it being that being with her was easy. Her brother didn't drive in the formula 1. She wasn't cripple. She didn't have amnesia.

She wasn't me.

And that's exactly what he needed right now.

Formula 1 was headed to Las Vegas this weekend and then they have the final race in Abu Dhabi the following weekend.

After Max's stunt in the last race and Charles claiming victory in not only the Race but in the sprint as well, he came home with maximum points and was now gaining on Max for the championship.

Suddenly, it became a reality that Charles may very well win this.

Unfortunately for Max, the mechanics have been able to fix his car whilst it's been back at the workshop over this past week. He'll be driving in Las Vegas whether he likes it or not, and luckily for Christian, Max can't help but go fast when he's in a car.

I was going to give Las Vegas a miss. But I definitely wanted to go to Abu Dhabi for the last race of the season. It had been one hell of a year and if it really was going to be a Charles and Max sprint to the finish. I wanted to be there for it.

But the time it came round to packing my things and heading off to Abu Dhabi, I had this intense sick feeling in my stomach the entire way to the airport.

Boarding the plane, I took one last stalk on Lando's Instagram page to see if I could see anything that hinted at a relationship between he and Charlotte. But there was nothing. On either of their pages. Both of them keeping whatever they had going off social media. Which is probably smart if they don't want a lot of attention brought to it. Which means he probably wants to make it last.

I switch off my phone and settle into my seat, ready for take off.

When I land, I find Charles waiting for me as promised at the airport. Personalised name sign and all that ready "Hurry Up, I missed your hugs"

Walking up to him, he throws the sign behind him and wraps his arms around me, digging his face into the side of my neck and I feel him breathing me in. It feels so good to be back here with people I know again.

"I've missed you too" I comment, still being held up in his arms.

"I'm so glad you're here" he gushes.

"As if I'd be anywhere else" I reassure as he places me down and picks up my bags, leading me out to his car.

"Did you have a nice flight?" He asks, driving us to the hotel.

"Same old, same old. I kind of actually hate flying" I admit.

He chuckles "so do I"

The following day when I arrive at the track for practise session 1, that same guy feeling has settled in my stomach. I didn't realise I would be this nervous for the end of season race.

Truthfully, out of Charles and Max, I'm equally happy for either one of them to win the championship.

Making my way down the pit lane, I can't even bring myself to look inside the McLaren garage as I pass it, I know Zak still blames me for a lot of Lando's decisions and probably rightfully so.

As I walk into Red Bull, I can feel the raised tension surrounding everyone, except for Max, who seems as cool as a cucumber.

"Morning" I announce, walking up to him and wrapping my arms around him.

"Hey sis" he acknowledges.

"You ready?" I ask.

"As I'll ever be" his tone seems off, but I don't overthink it.

"You're going to be fine. It's just a .."

"Oh shit" he gasps, looking behind me.

I glance behind me and have to take a second look as I didn't believe my eyes the first time. "Oh shit" I repeat in a whisper.

Lando stands stunned at the entrance to the Red Bill garage, his eyes piercing into mine as he looks as though he's just seen a ghost.

I feel my breath hitch in my throat and my lips part in shock. The uneasy feeling in my stomach setting into over drive.

But then, he just turns and walks away. Back toward the McLaren garage.

"I mean it makes sense that he's here" Max comments. "Are you going to talk to him?"

I turn back to Max before glancing back where Lando's shadow still remains, "no" I gaze back to Max. "No, I'm not. There's nothing to say anyway"

UNLOCKED - LANDO NORRIS [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now