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"No, No" I mumble to myself trying to make sense of what just happened on the screen. 

I push random buttons on the keyboard, desperately trying to get the image back up onto the screen. 

"No" I slam my hand against the keyboard and throw it to the side in frustration. 

Darting my head around the garage, everyone seems to be moving in aimless directions, fear, panic and sadness on the expressions of every single person in the room, yet none of them offering me the mercy of looking at me. 

"What's happened?" I speak to Jason. 

He doesn't respond as he is deep into trying to fix whatever happened with our monitors. 

"Someone tell me what the hell is going on!" I scream as panic erupts inside of the garage.

Chaos fills every inch of the space as everyone springs into action. I try my best to try and catch a glimpse of the monitor but it's gone black.

I sprint out of the garage into the pouring rain, checking either side of the pit lane for any cars and continue over to Zak on the pit wall coming absolutely saturated.

"Zak!" I shout as I approach.

He turns around to face me, sliding his headphones off his ears and looking at me with the a level of care and sympathy I've never witnessed from anyone, let alone this man.

My ears flicker to his screen, where through the absolute downpour of rain, the flashing blue lights cut through, straight into the deepest parts of me.

"Oh my god" the scream that leaves my throat is inaudible. The sounds of the other cars pulling into the garage vibrate through my entire body.

My eyes watch as Zak's lips move in my direction, but I can't make out what he is saying. He's gesturing to someone else on the pit wall and then I feel their hands fall upon me, but I can't make out what they are saying either.

"EV" I hear screams from the pitlane, the only sound that is resonating with me.

"Carlos?" I mumble back as his body comes crashing into mine.

"Get her out of here" Zak yells to Carlos, his voice now piercing through me.

"Come on Ev" Carlos assures, trying to pull me from the wall.

"No" I struggle, "No, NO!" I scream, pulling myself from his grip, "Leave me alone" I sprint away from him, down the end of the pit lane and past the other drivers who are all struggling to grab a hold of me.

My body comes to a slamming halt as a heavy frame grasps onto me. "Come here, Come here" the voice repeats over and over again as I'm slowly lowered to the floor, scooped up in their arms. "I've got you" 

I prayed for numbness. 

I prayed for darkness. 

I prayed for anything than to feel what I'm feeling in this very moment. 

My heart wasn't breaking. 


Feeling my heart break would be too kind in this situation. 

This level of pain didn't even allow me the mercy of allowing me to feel it break. 

This level of pain tore it straight from my chest. 

"I've got you, I've got you" the voice keeps repeating as I dissolve into the floor. 

"No" I growl, struggling to stand to my feet away from whoever was holding me down. "Get off me" I scream. 

"Ev, I've got you" the voice says again. 

I turn my head toward the sound, Charles' face coming into my blurred view. 

"No" I push myself away from him, crawling backwards until my back comes in contact with the wall. Pulling my knees up to my chest as he crawls toward me. 

"Ev" he cries, "please, let me help you" 

"Where is here? Take me to him" I beg. 

"Ev, come on, we need to get your out of the rain" he shudders. 

"No! Take me to Lando. Where is he?" I bark. 

Charles head shakes slowly, "Ev." 

"He's okay Charles, he's okay." I shake my head and shrug my shoulders. "I know it" 

"Ev" he repeats again. 

I push myself to my feet. "Stop saying my name Charles. You don't know anything" 

As I go to walk away from him the scratching sounds of the siren speeding down the main straight catapults me back to the floor. 

"No" I growl again, standing up and pushing past the waiting arms. 

"Evelyn!" I hear Max's voice this time. 

I turn to face him, collapsing into his arms. "You need to get inside" he warns, shouting over the sound of the rain.

"Take me to Lando, please Max. Please" I beg. "Please, I just need to be with him. He's going to be okay" 

Max looks over the top of me, and when I turn to see Charles approaching I wave my hand back at him, "Don't listen to him, please take me to him" 

"I'll find out what I can, Ev" Max assures, leaving me back in Charles hold as he rushes off through the rain. 

"That didn't look good, there's no way he survived that one" I hear the chatter and as I turn my head coming from inside the Alpine garage, I hurl to my feel again and staunch toward the sounds. 

"You" I point my finger at the voice, "You know nothing. Don't say that" 

"Sorry, sweetheart, but that was one of those crashes that no-one walks away from" the mechanic states. 

"Fucking" Charles grits beside me, "Shut the fuck up!" he warns the guys, pulling me from them. 

"Charles, its not true is it. He's going to be okay" I persist. 

Charles holds me tightly underneath his arm. "Let's get you dry" 

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