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I couldn't look away. They say in times of traumatic events, some turn away and some can't help but stare.

I felt like that as I watched them come to a steady stop at the corner, hand in hand. I watched as they interacted, both of them smiling and laughing. Looking at each other in admiration and comfort. Then as he linked his arm around her and continued down the road. I stalked as her arm went around his waist, grinning onto him.

Then I watched as she made direct eye contact with me. A realisation crossing her face like she knew exactly who I was. But I didn't know her. How could I?

But her eyes darted away unapologetically, and she followed Lando inside the pub.

I considered following, demanding to know who she was and why she had replaced me. But I couldn't. I didn't have the right too.

I guessed she was Charlotte, the girl I wasn't supposed to know about. The girl Max warned me about losing Lando too if I pushed him away for too long.

And here I was, standing watching someone who just had enough. Had enough of me. Had enough of convincing me to love him, when he has a girl looking at him the way Charlotte does, already knowing he was worthy of love.

I fight back the tears and attempt to continue running my own errands, doing anything I could to avoid the pub, just somehow walking past it a handful of times as I walk around aimlessly.

Whilst in the market, I pick up some frozen meals, some vegetables and the appropriate amount of grief chocolate and icecream.

As I head back to the cottage, I've got an hours spare before Dr Neto arrives for my physio and then I've got an appointment right after with Dr Armidale for therapy.

I'd only been back from Brazil two days and I was ready to attempt some sort of normal life again.

Packing the items away into the freezer, I'm startled by my phone ringing and reach for it on impulse, senses telling me it was Lando calling.

I felt almost disappointed when Charles' name flashed across the screen.

I couldn't do it.

I turn the phone face down on the counter and let it go to voicemail.

My session with Dr Neto was good. He was extremely impressed with my progress since coming off the crutches and I had Arthur to thank for it.

He was happy to extend his visits out to once a week now whilst leaving me with a stack of exercises to complete in my own time. He also suggested I start meeting him at the local pool for some aquatic sessions. The water is meant to help with distribution of weight when recovering from injury.

"We have to stop meeting like this" Dr Armidale teases as he passes Dr Neto in the driveway.

They two exchange a handshake before playing tag, allowing the next medical professional time with me.

"Afternoon sunshine" he acknowledges as he passes me in the doorway, heading straight for the kitchen.

I take a seat at the island counter, pulling my hair up into a pony tail on the top of my head, feeling the pool of sweat at my nape from my exercise.

"How are you today?" He asks, the same as every other session start.

I wanted therapy to end more than I wanted my physical to end, and the only way I would be able to, was to lie.

"Good actually, I just got back from Brazil. The trip was exactly what I needed" I exclaim.

"That's great. Did you get any flash backs. Being around those people?" He asks.

I stand up and walk to the fridge, needing a distraction tool. Pouring us both a glass of pineapple juice, I slide one in front of him.

"Actually, I did. I got a few. Only small doses, but mostly around Charles and Johan. They confirmed they were both memories" I announce proudly.

"That's great, Ev" he gushed. "Have you spoken to Lando since you've been back?"

And there it is.

I shake my head, and attempt to keep a neutral expression, "Not yet. I spoke to him whilst I was in Brazil and we came to the agreement we should spend some time apart"

"You agreed this, together?" He asks unconvinced.

I take a sip from my decoy, "Yeah, just until I'm a little more in a good headspace. I think it was toxic for both of us"

"I see" he nods but I can tell he can see straight through me.

I spend the next hour avoiding feelings and dodging the Lando topic as much as I could, when the timer went off, I let out a staggered breath of relief as I showed him to the front door.

"Thank you again Dr Armidale." I gush as he passes me out the front door.

"Nice to see you, Evelyn. Oh and tomorrow. Cut the bullshit." He smirks in response and closes his car door, eyeing me through his tinted windows.


Heading back inside, I suddenly feel lonely. The house hasn't been this quite ever and I find myself becoming conscious of my own breath as it echoes off the walls.

I head up stairs and pause when I pass the spare bedroom.

Peering inside, I see a whole studio set up, my studio. On every easel is a half completed mess, shapes and materials scattered through every inch of the room.

As I tip toe in, I feel like I'm intruding on my own space.

Walking over to the furthest easel in the corner of the room, next to a floor to ceiling window, I take a seat on the stool and allow my hand to run over the fresh canvas, a small layer of dust collected from time spent idle.

Gazing down beside me, a small table sits to my right, a collection of different pencils and charcoal pieces lay before me.

Picking up one of the charcoal pieces, I turn it over in my fingers, watching the imprint of ink settle on my fingertips.

Bringing it over to the canvas, I push lightly down onto the surface, closing my eyes and letting out a deep breath.

I picture his blue eyes, the curls, the tiny mole on the corner of his cheek, that heavy downturned slip of his lip when he's relaxed. The way his olive skin deepens in the sun, and casts the most beautiful array of shadows around his face as if it was his own reflection on him.

I allow myself to draw what I see in my mind, my eyes remaining shut for the duration of the drawing.

Every now and again, tucking the charcoal deeper in to my hand and smudging my finger across the lines, deepening the illusion of a perfect piece. Practising techniques I don't remember learning, but somehow having the knowledge.

When I open my eyes, I'm confronted with a memory of him, a memory that I feel has been haunting me for the past 18 months. A memory of just how deeply I had fallen for this man.

UNLOCKED - LANDO NORRIS [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now