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"Why are you stressing out, this isn't a date" Johan mocks as I fling all of the clothes out of my suitcase in an attempt for sometime to wear. 

"It feels like one" I groan. 

"If you don't want it to be, it's not" he comforts. 

I sit back onto the floor, cupping my head in my hands and bringing my forehead down onto my bent knees, groaning loudly. 

"Is this such a good idea? Going with Charles tonight?" he asks. 

I lift my head slightly and rest my chin on my knees. "I don't even know" I shrug. 

"Maybe you need to kiss him" he suggests coyly. 

"What?" I gasp. 

"Well, you know what it feels like to kiss Lando, after. Maybe you need to experience what it's like to kiss Charles, after" I'm shocked with how much sense this kid thinks he's making. 

But then it clicks, "After?" I choke, "Did I kiss him before?" I could feel how wide my eyes were in shock. 

He shakes his head, chuckling amused, "Not that I'm aware of, and I'm pretty sure you told me everything" he shrugs. 

"Oh, thank goodness" I hold my hand to my chest. 

"Doesn't mean you can't kiss him now" he emitted. 

"Yes it does, I can't kiss him" I shake my head, "It'll ruin everything between us" 

"And that right there is your answer baby girl" he proclaims. 

I stare at him confused. 

As Johan places himself in front of me, mimicking my very position on the floor. "You see kissing Charles as something that would ruin the dynamic between you two, not as something that could be the beginning of a relationship. Does that not tell you something?" 

I consider it for a moment before moaning even louder and banging my head on my knees. "I'm so over this" 

"Oh boo hoo, you've got two gorgeous guys at your fingertips, both of them hoping you'll realise they are the one you love and living happily every after, I see you tragedy" he coos. 

"You're not helping" I beam. 

"Where's he taking you?" he asks, reaching for my bag and sifting through it. 

"I don't know, he wouldn't tell me" I give him a concerned look. 

Pulling out a pair of tanned cargo pants and a sage green v-neck crop top, he throws them at me. The moment I catch them at my face, I feel like I glitch. 

You need help picking an outfit to go out on a date with Lando"

I know you, Evelyn

Grab your white jean shorts and that black singlet that has the really loose and droopy neckline to it. Don't wear any jewellery, but add the big gold hoops that Christian brought you for Christmas

Perfect, now go have fun and be careful

"Evelyn, hey, you okay?" I snap out of it to see Johan crouched in front of me, both his hands on my shoulders. 

"You... you chose my outfit. For my date with Lando" I mumble uncertain. 

His eyes widen immediately, "You remember?" 

"I" I look around, grasping the clothes in front of me, "Just now, it was like this weird, daydream" 

"Evelyn, thats amazing!" he gasps, pulling me in for a hug. 

My lips are still parted in shock. "I remembered" 

"Maybe that's going to be all it takes, similar things happening to jog your memory" he promulgated. 

My hopes diminishes as fast as it came, "But I spent so much time with Lando, I kissed Lando ago and it didn't bring anything back" 

"Yeah, but I think you were trying to force a memory. You weren't right now. You were, somewhat, relaxed" 

I shrug my shoulder, "Maybe" 

"Just go and enjoy your.... time, with Charles, maybe something else will return" 

I sigh in defeat, "Do you think I should be going?" I ask. 

"Depends on what you're going for, Ev." 

I can't answer him. 

"I've been meaning to ask you... what happened with Lando? Why are you here and not there?" his voice sounds saddened. 

"I was hurting him, and I couldn't stop." 

He lets out a breath, "I'm sure he knows you didn't mean it." 

I shrug, "It doesn't matter, until I could remember... him. It was just hurting him" 

"Do you think going on this date with Charles is going to hurt him too?" he asks. 

I flop myself back, coming in a hard crash with the floor as I allow my hands fall on top of my face. 

"Is this bringing back anything?" he asks me sarcastically. 

I look up at him from underneath my forearm, "What do you mean?" 

"Well, this isn't the first time you've had to consider how your actions with one, would hurt the other" 

"I'm catching onto that real quick" I murmur. 

I feel a sudden thud against my stomach, peering up to see my phone landing on my shirt. "Call him" 

Flicking my phone around in my hand, "Which one?" 

Johan turns around, looking at me knowingly, "You decide" then he leaves. 

I flip my phone around in my grip a few times before sitting up, struggling to a standing position and hobbling out the doors to the balcony of the hotel room. 

Leaning against the handrail, I open my phone and click onto the address book, finding Lando and Charles in my contact lists. 

Looking at the setting sun, I breath in the deep sea air that's been forced my way from the ocean. I look down at the time, Charles is meant to be picking me up in a little less than an hour. Doing a quick conversion in my head, it'd be almost 10:30pm on a Friday night. 

My fingers dance over both their names. 

Closing my eyes and trusting my mind to make the right decision, I bring the phone up to my ear, waiting for them to pick up. 

It only rings a handful of times before they answer, panting out of breath. 


Hearing their voice say my name, brings a tension to my stomach. 

"Evelyn? Are you there?" 

They ask again when I release I haven't spoken yet. 


UNLOCKED - LANDO NORRIS [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now