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* I'm going to start adding some suggested songs that will help compliment the chapters, if you'd like to listen to them whilst reading the chapter* 

The following 3 weeks flew by in the absolute blink of an eye and Lando and I had grown closer than I could have every possibly imagined. Morning tea was spent every day with Lorenzo and Isadora, listening to all their stories about falling in love, and slowly being able to relate them to my own current memories of Lando. 

With every day that passed, I was becoming less and less concerned with the things I couldn't remember because of every memory I was now creating with Lando. Telling him that I was falling in love with him had been on the tip of my tongue all week and I was waiting for the perfect moment to tell him.  

Maybe when we were by ourselves, maybe when we were tangled between each other in the bed sheets, or maybe when we just walked hand in hand down the streets. It was in all of these moments that I felt the urge to tell him growing thicker with every fibre of my being. 

I lay awake early in the morning, the sun barely making it over the horizon, Lando is tangled next to me, the beginning of his limbs and mine unrecognisable at first glance, his leg drooped over the top of me, his curls tickling my under chin if I moved too much. 

I could feel the warmth of his body covering me as our blanket rests just above my naked hip, my breasts exposed to him if he were to open his eyes. 

We'd been so engulfed in each other last night that we passed out after committing to one more round after our shared shower. It was becoming impossible to keep my hands off him, the hunger consuming me the more I was around him. 

Regretfully needing to get up before my bladder explodes, I slide myself carefully out from underneath him, tip toeing across the room to grab my robe before entering the ensuite to use to the bathroom. 

As I stand and face the sink, a nausea takes over me and I swivel immediately and cough into the bowl of the toilet, my hand struggling to hold back my hair. 

"Ev?" Lando's croaky morning voice comes behind me. "You okay, baby?" He asks as he bends down beside me. 

"You need to go, you can't see this" I groan before needing to dunk my head deeper into the toilet bowl again. 

He chuckles beside me, crouching down and grasping my hair for me with one hand as he pulls the fallen strands from beside my face and gathers them in his hand again. 

"Must have been that fish last night?" he comments. 

"Yeah, must have been." I agree, accepting the glass of water he is now handing to me. 

"You all good?" He asks, retrieving the cup. 

"Yeah, I think so" I mumble, pressing myself up from the bowl with his hands guiding me by my sides. "Sorry" 

"Don't apologise" he reassures, dragging his fingers through my hair as I move toward the sink to rinse my face. "Are you feeling better now?" he asks. 

I nod my head whilst I swish some water between my cheeks before spitting into the sink and lathering up my toothbrush to rid me of vomit breath. 

"I'll order us some breakfast" he suggests, "Is there anything you feel like?"

I shake my head, "Maybe just some fruit?" I answer. 

As I stand in front of the mirror, I take in my pasty tone, and sooth my fingers through my own hair before pulling it up into a messy top knot on my head and lightly slapping the outsides of my cheeks to rid the zombie likeness. 

"It'll be here in a few minutes" Lando calls from the room, "Are you sure you're okay?" 

"Yeah I'm okay" I reassure as I make my way back into the room and flopping myself down onto the bed, tucking my foot underneath me, "Probably just the fish" 

"We won't be eating there again" he announces, "We'll just take it easy today" 

I nod in agreement, "We'll still head to Lorenzo and Isadora's. I'm guessing we'll be heading home soon, I want to be able to spend as much time with them as possible" 

"Yeah, that's fair enough. Just means we'll have to make some more frequent trips to Monza" he winks as me. 

I hold my arms out for him to come and embrace me. He lowers me gently down onto the bed before moving down and pressing his lips to my neck, then my collarbone, over my left nipple, then onto my ribs causing me to chuckle, and finally down and he plants a kiss on my stomach, just below my belly button. 

The feeling pulsates through me in a quick beat before it passes and I shake off the idea. 

Lando retreats from me just as the knock on our door signally the arrival of our food alerts us. 

As Lando wheels the cart in, I get a whiff of the bacon and eggs he had ordered for himself and the very scent of it sends me straight back into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me and  burying my head into the bowl. 

When I've finished, I stand up looking into the mirror, my eyes flicking toward my stomach as my hand impulsively makes its way to cup the base of it. My mind going at a million miles an hour. 

"Ev, are you okay?" Lando knocks on the door. 

I open it slowly, one of my hands still in placement on my belly. 

"Do you think it's a possibility that I..." I dart my eyes down to my stomach, just as his does. 

Bringing my eyes back up to him, he's stunned looking at my belly, colour draining from his face. "Ev?" he whispers. 

I shrug my shoulders as he brings his eyes up to mine, a mixture of emotions flooding his eyes. 

"We'll duck into the pharmacy" he suggests, an obvious smirk spreading across his face. 

"What happens if.." I can't finish my sentence, the 100 possible answers consuming me. 

Lando crosses the gap between us and directs my head urgently to his, "We'll work it out" he reassures. His hands gently fall from my face and join mine that is still placed delicately under my stomach. 

Our eyes meet as our hands interlock in place, Lando leans forward and places his forehead on mine, "I love you so much, Evelyn" he whispers. 

UNLOCKED - LANDO NORRIS [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now