19* Leone Abbacchio x reader (f) - out tonight (JJBA)

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SUMMARY - bartender where Team Bucciarati goes out for drinks and a catch up with you +  Mista' older sister - you develop a friendship with Abbacchio (and more???) + everyone else ---->  SET BEFORE EVERYTHING HAPPENED WITH DIAVOLO SO NO GIORNO IM SORRY

You were Guido Mista's older sister, you knew of his occupation, as of being apart of Team Bucciarati, but live and let live right? as long as he wasn't being a reckless idiot of course. 

You had bought a small little cottage sorta house, which you had allowed him to invite the other team members over for small get togethers, meaning that over time, you  had become especially close with some of them. Some of the younger ones, Fugo and Narancia, looked up to you almost as a big sister or like role, and Bruno and you had a shared mutual respect for one another, yet you still hadn't had any time to really get to know Abbacchio.

You invited them all to the Bar where you worked at as a bartender. It was reluctantly agreed upon that you would shout everyone's drinks, as long as they wouldn't go overboard. You insisted that it would be on you, as the only ones who could drink legally the alcohol provided were you, Mista, Bruno and Abbacchio, as Fugo and Narancia were both to young, you had organised seperate drinks for them. You went and got ready for your shift, putting on the uniform and packing a extra change of clothes for the gathering after. 

You left to work, and of course it went by painfully slow, you were excited for the catch up, as you wanted this to be an opportunity to get to know one of the members specifically more, Leone Abbacchio. The time eventually drew closer, and you heard the little bell above the entrance door ring, catching your attention. In walked Team Bucciarati, all on time and dressed nicely, i mean, what did you expect? you knew Bruno would have ensured that they all looked their bests even if it was just in front of you. You walked over, holding a drink menu and a notepad.

"Hey guys! its nice to see you all again, please come take a seat. I'll join you shortly, let me just finish up and get changed." you say, turning to show them their seats for the night. 

Mista had seen your uniform before, so he wasn't fussed seeing it, the others on the other hand, were a little red in embarrassment at seeing the girl some of them thought of as a sister dressed in a way that they weren't really expecting. Although you worked as a bartender, the bar you worked at required a strict dress code for their employes consisting of a White blouse, a black skirt, with a black ribbon in your hair, with matching black heels, bowtie and sheer black stockings. Your uniform was a little more tight fitting, but you didn't mind at all, but it seemed to catch their attentions a little.

Showing them to their table, you noticed that Abbacchio was paying a little more attention to you, well not direct conversational, but you noticed his eyes wandering up and down your body. You thought he especially looked nice, well he always did anyways, and he specifically had caught your eye. 

"ill be back shortly, I just need to clock out and get dressed then i'll be back, can i get any drinks to start you all off tonight?" you asked, in which they all gave you their orders. Everyone roughly got what you presumed they would get, but Abbacchio ordering wine? wow, that was not expected but you could see how it sort of matched him perfectly.  

You got their drinks, handed them out and then went to get changed out of your uniform. Putting on your f/c dress, with a suitable dressy jacket, you looked in the mirror fixing your makeup slightly before going out to catch up with the team. You weren't overly or under dressed, but you were still nervous as this would be the first time seeing them all in such a setting.

Walking towards the table, you could see Abbacchio gazing at you, while sipping his wine, and pretending to take part in the conversation with Mista. You smile as you walk over, 

!-𝔸𝕟𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕆𝕟𝕖-𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕃𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕟𝕤-!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें