6* Hanji Zoe x reader (g/n) - In another life (AOT)

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SUMMARY- New life, it doesn't work out between you both

(Ill be using she/her or they/them for Hanji - timeline is messy compared to the actually plot and story of AOT so just ignore it)

You were born and raised in Marley, with no knowledge of the outside world, including who may be in it. That was until you stumbled across the 'devils' from the place outside of what you had ever known, Paradis Island. You worked as a bartender, and you had met them as they were somewhat regulars, the whole group would come in and have a couple of drink and then would leave short after. They peaked your curiosity, you'd never met nor seen those people before, let alone in the past short months, the next time they would come, you decided that you would approach them, and get to know them more. 

That's where it all started, a couple of months down the line, your now considered a friend of them, and more than a friend of the Commander, Hanji Zoe. You both kicked it off right away, and they eventually admitted their feelings for you and you felt the same. Your relationship had its ups and downs, both of you were busy people, and didn't get a lot of sleep, so thee was the occasional storm that would result in one or the other of you walking out. Maybe it wasn't the healthiest, you both could not communicate properly, and it had crossed both your minds to just break up already, but neither of you did. You both moved fast, it was both of your first actual relationships so you both didn't know any better. Hanji had to go back to Paradis, so you decided to pick up and leave with, leaving your old life behind. 

Paridis was a lot different compared to Marley, you were excited to start a new life somewhere new, but there was a fear that you'd end up regretting it, and your fear would  eventually turn to reality. 

You and Hanji still lived together, but things were tense, more than what you imagined. They worked a lot more compared to what they did in Marley, and it caused them to become more and more irritable. you yourself found a job at another bar, the hours and pay were decent, but day after day you started to miss your life back in marley more and more. Hanji had changed, the pressure and the stress was starting to get to her and it showed. She wasn't the same happy and cheerful person you fell in love with and that side of them was new to you. Arguments became more and more common, over small and petty things like over working, and staying up to late. You tried to never go to bed angry or disappointed with each other, and for the most part, you didn't. Sides of hanji you never knew existed started to show. 

Since they worked so much, you started to spend more and more time out of the house and, hanging around other people. They knew that you loved them, but some small part of them didn't exactly trust your faithfulness, and the through you could or would find someone better than them was hurting them inside. Hanji had voiced their concerns, and you tried your best to to reassure them that nothing like that would ever happen and that you were hers, and she was yours, but they struggled to believe you. 

You loved them, you really did but it was getting harder and harder to continue the relationship, both of you being busy and having your own lives made it difficult and you both were struggling to manage the relationship and life. Hanji also had a similar idea, and with no one really to turn too to talk about it, she approached Levi. 

'If you can't maintain the relationship and you can't see a future with them, break up with them Hanji. Don't lead them on if you can't see it working out in the long run, and im guessing Y/N has a similar ideas as well' he said, it wasn't exactly what Hanji wanted to hear, but they were thankful for his honesty but it may have been the answer that Hanji had been secretly looking for. 

You were stuck as well, you didn't know what to think or do, you just wanted some advice of guidance on what step you should take next. You organised to meet up with the one person you thought could give you the best advice, Armin. He came to a similar conclusion as levi had, and that was to not lead Hanji on if you couldn't see the relationship continuing long term. You and Hanji were both stuck, you loved each other deeply, and the last thing you both wanted was to hurt each other in any way, but you both felt that you were meant for eachother, but was it the right time?

You returned home to find Hanji passed out and stretched across the couch, you walked over to her and moved the stray bits of hair out of her face before staring at them. They slowly woke up and pulled you into them, you were on top of them, your head on their chest with their hand on your back. You stayed there for a while, it was nice and peaceful, no stress or anything, it was what you had wished for. It was comforting to be back in your lovers arms, it had been a while and saying you missed it was an understatement to say at least.

They rubbed your back in circles as they started to speak, 'Hey Y/N I think we need to talk about something' they say quietly, still keeping you on their chest. You nod as they continue, 'I love you so so so much, but i don't know if i can see us being a long term thing. I want it too, but we're both so busy and I think it's straining our relationship', you didn't want to hear the next couple of words come out of her mouth, you hoped this wouldnt be the end. You just lay their thinking as silence develops between the both of you before you finally speak up. 'Ive felt that too, and to be honest, I do want to continue this relationship and i can see where this conversation may be going , but I'm not going to pressure you into this. I really do love you and i'm sorry. Do you think we could change for the better?' you reply, looking at them straight in the eyes. They sit up a little and kiss your forehead, 'I don't want you to leave, and I want this relationship to continue but I can't do this anymore. I need to focus on my work and i cant treat you how you deserve to be treated.' they say trying not to cry, you yourself feel the tears welling up in your eyes as you get of the couch. They apologize profusely and you struggle to look at them in the eyes. 

'Hey it's ok, I understand and maybe it will be for the better in the long run. I love you so so much and if that means breaking up, i know that you'll be ok, and ill always be here for you' Your hurt, it stings like crazy, you moved across the world to somewhere new for the person you loved but in the end, it didn't work out, and it wasn't either of your faults. 

You both agreed that you would move out the next day. You spent the last night together, sharing a bed but facing opposite directions. You'd miss your life with Hanji, but you knew that it would be for the better and that everything would eventually be ok. You left the next morning after you both said a tearful goodbye. 

Maybe in another life, but for now, you had met the right person, but at the wrong time. 


Word count - 1352

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