8* Kunikida Doppo x reader (g/n)- Camping Trip (BSD)

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SUMMARY - Camping trip with agency members + secret relationship + cute couple moments 

It was Ranpo's idea. A camping trip. The 5 of you, all squished in the back of the car on the way to the camping site. It had only just started, and you could tell this trip would end in chaos. Everyone from the agency had been invited, but only the 5 of you could make it, and with Kunikida and you being the most responsible, it was going to be babysitting, just with a few extra steps. 

With Kunikida driving, you in the front and Dazai, Yasuno and Ranpo all squished in the back, the trip was 'interesting' to say at least. They were your closest friends, you would even consider them family. You had joined the Agency on a whim, not expecting to get much out of it, but in the end, you ended up with almost a second home. Your ability, Heaven's judgement, you thought wasn't going to be very helpful, but your your friends help and encouragement, you managed to unlock its full potential. It allowed you to create hallucinations, of angel like figures that would swarm the enemy and attack in short fast bursts(think of Kakyoin's stand, Hierophant Greens attack with like the green crystals (JJBA) but your crystals are white and translucent). You could control the amount of hallucinations, with the angels just being a distraction to intimidate the enemy, as the crystals shot at them. 

The car ride was alright, some light bickering, but besides that it was peaceful. Kunikida and you had an established relationship, that you were trying to keep away from the view of the others in aim to keep it a secret. It was getting a little tough though, you both were always together, and it had raised some suspicion in the agency, as Kunikida wasn't the type of person to warm up to someone so fast. He took the step to rest his hand on your thigh, you liked it, you liked it a lot. He wasn't into any forms of PDA, so the suttle show of affection, made your heart swell. Dazai noticed as he sat in the back, smirking at you both, now figuring out your secret. He didn't tell Ranpo or Yasuno, as he had the idea to do something with it later. 

Both you and Kunikida didn't  notice dazai in the back, he slowly rubbed your thigh with his thumb, as he focused on the road in front of him. Ranpo and Yosano were napping in the back, Dazai was staring out the window, as Kunikida was focusing on driving, you couldn't help but stare, admiring his features.

Sooner or later, you finally reached the camping destination. You all got out and started unpacking and setting up the camp site. Kunikida and Dazai were put in charge of setting up the tents. You and Kunikida would share, Dazai and Ranpo and Yasuno, by herself - to her own choice. 'So kunikida, whats up with you and lovely Y/N?' Dazai asked, with a smirk growing on his face. Kunikida turned to face him, looking shocked, 'U-Um nothing? just be quiet and help me, you don't know what you're talking about' he said, avoiding eye contact with his colleague. Dazai laughed at his friends reaction, he noticed that Kunikida had turned to watch you. Dazai was happy for his friend, and for you as well. He was glad that you both found someone that you knew would treat each other well.

You, Yasuno and Ranpo had been tasked with setting up the campfire and getting the food ready. You noticed Kunikida staring at you, and in response,you gave him a quick wink, causing him to get a little flustered. Dazai, without the both of you noticing, was paying special attention to your interactions, which to him, confirmed that you both were in fact in a relationship.

As the night came to a close, you all finished dinner and went your seperate ways to get ready for bed. You and Kunikida went away together, as the others all went separate. You took his hand and pulled him to the nearby swimming hole. You started to slowly strip down into your undergarment/s, as you started to walk into the water. Kunikida reluctantly followed, joining you in the cool water. He walked up behind you, pulling you closer to him by the waist. You turned to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck, bringing him down to your height a little. 'I really do love you y'know' you whispered with a dumb smile across your face. His cheeks started to grow a red tint, he leant in and kissed you gently before pulling away, 'I really love you too' he whispered, trying to keep the eye contact. He wasn't that experienced when it came to the dating scene, but he was trying, and that's what counted the most. 

You pull him closer and kiss him, moving your hands to his face to deepen the kiss. You both stood there, in eachothers arms in a comfortable silence. You both walked in further to the water, not letting go of eachother.  His arms were still wrapped around your waist, you jumped up and wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling your body closer to his. He laughed slightly at your actions, as you both enjoyed the peaceful alone time you had with each other. 

Without both of your knowledge, someone had been watching you both. Just as you both got out, they jumped out, scaring you both. It was Dazai and Ranpo. You all looked at each other awkwardly, exchanging glances. 'See Ranpo! I told you our dear kunikida and Y/N were going to be here! see? they're fucking around' Dazai laughed, as you and Kunikida started to flush red. Ranpo stood there speechless, he was surprised, he never would of thought you guys would be in an actual relationship.

You all awkwardly walked up back to the tents, you and kunikida both holding your clothes close, in hopes to hide yourself a bit. Everything was covered in a think silence. Yasuno was standing, she saw Ranpo and Dazai sneak away so she wanted to wait to see what they were doing. She was beyond shocked to see you 4, Dazai laughing and chatting away to Ranpo, and you and Kunikida walking in silence, still dripping from your late night swim. You and your lover shared a look,  'Um yes, yes we are in a relationship? he spoke up. Everything went silent, 'mmhm we all knew that' Yasuno sighed before returning to her tent. The boys walked way, leaving you and Kunikida together. 

You grabbed his hand, 'well so much for keeping it on the down low huh?' you said laughing, he smiled at you, he really did love you. You both went and got ready for bed and hopped into the tent. You cuddled up to him, as your back was pushed against his chest, his arm draped over your waist, pulling you in closer. You both started to doze off, with you in his arms. 


Word count - 1194

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