9* Uta x Renji Yomo x Reader (g/n) - its good to see you again (Tokyo Ghoul)

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SUMMARY - you meet up with old friends after its been a while - NO feelings are shared directly lile no confessions of love, but there are hints sorta 

You'd been friends with Uta, Renji and Itori back in the 4th Ward. You ended up moving away due to personal reasons, and the contact between the 4 of you slowly diminished overtime. Last you had heard was that Itori ran a bar in the 14th ward, Uta started up his own Mask-making studio in the 4th ward, and Renji was apart of Anteiku, the place that ran the 20th ward. You heard they were still all close, and that at least Uta and Yomo were also regulars at Anteiku, but you weren't so sure about Itori. 

You had not been back for a while, to be honest, a while was an understatement, it had been ages. You roughly remembered where everything was, it had been a while but your navigation skills and memory hadn't been tarnished at all by your time away. You made your way to Anteiku, a cafe ran entirely by ghouls, it served as a safe space for the ghouls who struggled to hunt or fit in with the rest of society. You came to the entrance of the cafe, before taking a deep breath and stepping inside. 

It was nice, it smelt like fresh brewed coffee, with a relatively welcoming atmosphere. You walked over to the ordering station, and there stood a young girl with a purple bob with long bangs that reached her chin and covered the right half of her face , most likely in her last years of school. She greeted you politely, with a slight hint of unsureness. It wasn't common for a stranger to enter the cafe, and when it did happen, normally chaos would ensue. You smiled at her, not wanting to seem threatening as you ordered your usual coffee. You took a seat to the side, waiting patiently for your drink. It was eventually brought over to you, and as you sipped you felt the eyes of the waiters and other staff looming around you. You tried to stay calm through focusing on your breathing before you stood up, and walked back to the young girl who had served you.

'Hey, im sorry, i know that your busy at the moment but would you mind if i asked you something?' You inquired, everything around you felt strange, and an unwelcome feeling started to take over. She nodded, before gesturing at you to continue. 'Im looking for Renji Yomo and Uta, i've heard that they are regulars here and i just need to find them' you proclaimed, trying to sound confident in your words without stuttering. She looked shocked at the mention of their names. She walked around the counter to talk to you, You thought it was going well before she grabbed your wrist, pulling you into an extra room. 

You stood there speechless, 'What do you want from them? Are you with the doves? No one here has seen you here before and you come in wanting to find two regulars? who let alone, are both ghouls?' she snears, her tone sounding threatening. 'I don't mean any harm, really, Im a ghoul as well, please just trust me' you spoke. She looked at you, not trusting a word that came out of your mouth. 'prove it to me then, then i'll consider helping you' she said, walking over to an old looking chest freezer and pulling something out. She handed you a small paper bag, inside a piece of human flesh. You looked at it, then back up to her. You tipped it into the palm of your hand, before putting it in your mouth, chewing it then swallowing. The meat itself wasn't the best, and you could tell it wasnt fresh but you had to prove that you weren't lying. She looked at you, almost impressed. 'fine whatever then, I believe you. My names Touka, and you are? she questioned, you could tell she was trying to be polite. 'My names Y/N, it's nice to meet you. I hate to cut to it, but do you have any idea of where Renji and Uta are?' you asked again, not wanting to sound desperate, but you wanted to highlight the importance of you finding them. 

She nodded slowly, as you continued your explanation, 'I Was close friends with them both when Uta was the peacekeeper of the 4th ward. I ended up moving away and we ended up losing contact. I'm back now, and I just want to make sure they are ok' you said with a soft smile. Whether you were telling the truth or not was not up to Touka, so she said that she would contact them both and get them to come over to the cafe so you could at least see them.

You and Touka both left the room, to go back to the main area of the cafe. You went back to your spot as Toucka went to fill in some of the other staff, who still kept a careful eye on you. One of them walked over, 'hey, your Y/N? im Kaneki, Ken Kaneki, i'm sorry if we made you uncomfortable by staring haha, its just unusual for a new face to show up.' he sounded polite, a gentle soul if you would. You smiled at him and let me know that it was alright, and that you should have expected it anyways. You both continued to chat for a while, before the door swung open, and two familiar looking men walked in, still continuing their conversation. 

You stood up, gazing at them, in which kaneki turned around looking at what had caught your eye. There stood your old friends, Uta and Renji, they looked so similar from when you had last seen them, bsides them both aging a little and the drastic change of Uta's hair colour from being a pale blond to now a deep black. You walked over, noticing they were having a quick conversation with touka, who when she saw you, she pointed and alluded that you were the one who had wanted to see them.

They turned to see you, shock took over the both of them, after having not seen you for ages, you were now standing in front of them. 'Its been a while, hasn't it?' you smiled at them, Uta gave you a big hug as Renji stood there with a slight smile. You gave them both a hug, before sitting down and catching up.

'God Y/N you look so different! well not that much but its been so long it was almost hard to recognise you' Uta asserted, taking a sip of his coffee. You smiled at them both, as you were glad they were both seemingly doing well for themselves and getting eachother out of direct harm. 'Im glad you're ok Y/N, We've all missed you a lot, especially Itori i think. It was tough on her when you moved, well tough on all of us but i think she missed you the most. Renji uttered. You gave him a sincere smile, before Uta jumped in again, 'We can go visit her soon, lets just not bum-out Y/N now, they just got here' said relatively calmly before resting his arm on your shoulder. After an hour or 2, you all went your seperate ways to get ready for a night of fun at Helter Skelter, with Itori, Uta and Renji. 

You went home and got dressed, (fem fit = Black mid-thigh length dress with a low cut neckline, gold and pearl earrings with a matching necklace + Black heels, Masc Fit = black tight long sleeve turtleneck with black cargo pants + black cargo boots with a Black and silver belt with chains. Both outfits with a oversized blazer). Your doorbell rang, before it was swung open by an Uta who casually strolled in with Renji facepalming behind him. 'You have not changed at all have you Uta?' you laughed, as he did as well. You all walked out, locking the door behind you and started you way to Helter Skelter.

You all entered the bar to see besides the odd couple of ghouls, it was almost completely empty. Itori noticed you three and ran over, pulling you into a tight hug. 'Oh my i've missed you so so so much Y/N, God please don't leave again' she begged as she held you in a tight hug. You hugged her back, 'I won't, I won't, i'm here to stay now. And i'm sorry for out contact going non-existent, I missed you too..so much', you said, wiping the bottom of your eyes as her reaction made you a little tearful.

You all sat down, with Itori getting the drinks started. She brought out 4 classes of blood wine, the best she had in stock, afterall it was a occasion to celebrate. You talked and reminisced about the past, your time away and just life in general and it was nice to be all together again.

'Yknow.. Uta and Renji really missed you N/N, like a lot, I think after you left, they finally figured out their feelings towards you' Itori whispered with a smirk in your ear, causing you to get a little flustered. You had liked them both, but thought it would never work out as you all were too similar or too different, and the fact you didn't know if they would want to be in a polyamorous relationship. You were dragged from your thoughts by Uta trying to annoy Itori into telling him what she had whispered to you. She kept her mouth closed, not letting Uta know, as Renji sat silently sipping his drink. You all ended a little tipsy, as it was time to go home, Itori waved goodbye, still smirking at the scene in front of her. Uta had his arm pulled around your shoulder, with Renji walking on the other side of you. It was an odd bunch, but you all were like family. 

They walked you home, and the plan ended up being they would both crash at yours. You pulled them both in for another hug, before kissing them both on the cheek and going to bed, leaving both men in a trans in your living room.


Word count - 1733

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