129 - Always and forever

Start from the beginning

"Hope!" Cassidy ran across the street, terrified at the sight of her 'daughter' doing such things. "Hope!" Hope/The Hollow stopped and faced her. Cassidy panted slightly, out of breath, desperation and sadness in her eyes. "Honey, I know you can hear me. I need you to fight her."

"Hmm." Hope/The Hollow smirked, an evil glint in her blue eyes. "You think you can stop me?"

"I'm not gonna let you take my baby girl." Cassidy snapped at Hope/The Hollow angrily. Hope/The Hollow lifted Hayley up with her telekinesis and prepared to snap her neck, but Cassidy wasn't about to go down without a fight. Still in the air, she thrust her hand out towards Hope/The Hollow, not wanting to seriously hurt her of course, only making the small girl fly backwards into Dominic. "You underestimate me, Inadu. I want my daughter back!"

"No, mommy dearest." Hope/The Hollow giggled in amusement, standing up straight again. "You underestimate me." And with that, Hope/The Hollow finally managed to successfully snap Cassidy's neck, and the heretic collapsed to the ground.


As soon as Cassidy had learnt that her mates had partnered up with Marcel, she was mad. But that anger soon passed once she discovered that Marcel, Elijah, and Klaus had successfully found a way to kill all of The Hollow's followers and knock her out, taking her back home and chaining her to Hope's bed. Cassidy sighed, walking over to sit on the edge of the bed, staring softly at Hope's/The Hollow's sleeping form.

"I know you're in there. And I know you can hear me, so I want you to listen very carefully. You are my daughter. You are not only a Mikaelson, but you are a Forbes siphon witch... and you are strong, and brave, unlike anyone I've ever known. In fact, you helped me believe in something that auntie Care and grandma Liz used to always say when I lived with them. 'Family is power'." Cassidy then kissed Hope on the forehead, then sighed and slowly exited the room.


Cassidy was sitting on the floor with Hope/The Hollow in her arms. Vincent, Freya, Hayley, and Davina were standing near her. Rebekah and Kol approached them.

"Uh, Kol, if you would, right there. Uh, Rebekah, perfect. Right there." Vincent placed everyone in the right positions for the ritual when Cassidy spotted Marcel entering their home, automatically tightening her grip on the small girl in her arms.

"What the hell are you doing here? You come to gloat?"


"Don't call me that."

"Cassidy..." Marcel sighed. "I came to make sure that this works."

"Elijah, I need you right there at the top. Klaus, right there for me, please. And we are ready." Vincent announced. "I just want to say that what you guys are doing here today is gonna go a long way towards setting things right in this city. The Hollow took everything away from me. It inspired nothing but suffering and torment. It's ruined families, it's gone after little kids. And yet, here and now, despite all of our differences, and there are many... thank you." Vincent paused.

"The savage Mikaelsons heroically defeating a terrible evil." Rebekah chuckled slightly. "Maybe this will finally earn us our redemption."

"Do any of us really believe that?" Klaus smirked sadly.

"Not for a second. It's a wonderful sentiment." Elijah cracked a small smile.

"Let's go." Vincent linked hands with both Freya and Davina. "Cass, when I tell you to, I want you to take the manacles off. Hold onto Hope. Do not let her go. Everybody else, when this spell is over, you got to get away from each other, and you have to stay away from Hope."

"Always and forever." Tears glistened in Rebekah's eyes. "We had a good run."

"Diviser... Diviser ak konkeri. Diviser ak konkeri. Diviser ak konkeri. Diviser ak konkeri Chire apa ak po. Ak konkeri. Ak po." Vincent chanted, channeling both Freya and Davina. "Cass, do it now!"

Cassidy wasted no time in taking the manacles off of Hope's/The Hollow's wrists, and moments later, The Hollow's spirit burst out from Hope. Then it divides into four parts, and each one of them entered the body of one of the Mikaelsons: Rebekah, Elijah, Kol, and Klaus.

"I can hear it... whispering." Rebekah murmured gently.

"Okay, you guys need to go. Now!" Vincent panicked. Kol was the first to approach Cassidy, pressing a kiss to her lips.

"I'll be in Greece. I expect a call first thing in the morning."

"Of course, and when the kids and I leave this place and settle in somewhere new, I will take Clara and Julia and compel us a flight. I will see you soon, baby. I promise. I love you."

"I'll hold you to that. I love you more." Kol kissed Cassidy a final time before vamp speeding off. Cassidy stared down at the still-unconscious Hope in her arms until Rebekah approached her.

"Once I find my new home, you will be the first person I'll tell." Rebekah pressed a kiss to Cassidy's lips. "Will you promise to visit as often as you can?"

"Pinky swear." Cassidy reassured. Rebekah glanced down at Hope.

"Who knows? Maybe we can make one of these someday."

"I hope so." Cassidy smiled softly. Rebekah realised that she was staying around Hope and her siblings too long, kissing Cassidy's temple before speeding off, too. Elijah was next to walk over.


"Don't." Elijah interrupted, pressing a very deep, very long kiss to Cassidy's lips. "There is no need for a meaningless goodbye. I am setting my sights on France. You will love it there. A visit from you and Alex a few times a month should keep me from going completely insane."

"I promise we'll visit." Cassidy whispered, kissing Elijah again.

"I love you so much, darling. You truly have no idea."

"You were my first ever mate, 'Lijah. You introduced me to the craziness of this world. The good, the bad... but I don't regret this lifestyle. I have you to thank for it." Cassidy leant her forehead against Elijah's. "I love you, too."

Elijah pressed a kiss to Cassidy's forehead before vamp speeding off.

Klaus went to approach Cassidy but he froze when he saw Hope start to stir awake in Cassidy's lap.

"Hope..." Cassidy sighed in relief. "It's okay, honey. You're okay..."

"Mom. Where is Leo? I want Leo." Hope mumbled tiredly, slowly sitting up.

"He is upstairs in bed." Cassidy informed her eldest daughter. "I will take you to him in a few minutes, okay?"

"What's happening?" Hope looked around in confusion before her gaze landed on Klaus. "Daddy?"

"Hope. I love you and your brother so much." Klaus smiled sadly, tears glistening in his eyes, and he then glanced at a sad-looking Cassidy. "And I love you just as much, love. My mate. My wife. My voice of reason. My heart. Always and forever..." And with that, Klaus ran off at vampire speed. Hope immediately began to panic at seeing her dad leave in a rush, squirming around in Cassidy's arms.

"Dad? Dad! Dad!"

"Hey, hey, hey... sshhh." Cassidy softly stroked Hope's hair softly. "You'll see him again... I promise. I don't know how or when, but our family story will not end this way. Not like this..."

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