"Thank you so much, Mrs Carlton," I almost whispered,  feeling overwhelmed by their kindness.

"Now let's not get so serious, shall we. The food is waiting to be served. I'm sure starving and I'm sure you both are too.

She signaled to one of the maid's, and instantly, the food started arriving in the hands of several maids in the same black and white uniforms. This place sure was very extravagant, I thought as we were all served our dishes.

We soon finished our dinner in comfortable silence, except for the occasional chitchat here and there.

After dinner, Mr and Mrs Carlton retired to their room, saying they had an early flight the next day. Apparently, they don't stay here very often. I couldn't stay here long either if this was my home. The place was beautiful but it was just too much. Home should feel homely, not extravagant. But that was just my opinion, so I kept my mouth shut.

But it seemed that Liam couldn't keep his mouth closed.

Mr Carlton was walking us back to our rooms, and we were walking down the hallway where the pictures of his ancestors were hanging.

"So...Mr Carlton..this is where you grew up?" Liam said, breaking the peaceful silence. "It's...nice." he ended as I narrowed my eyes at him, not liking the tone of his voice. I just knew he wouldn't have anything nice to say about the place.

"Yeah... kind of. My parents didn't like this place much, so we just couldn't stick here for long." He replied, making me sigh in relief.

But Liam still had no intention of quitting.

"So if they didn't like it, how come they own it?" He asked, his face completely innocent. Sometimes kids are too curious,  I thought with another sigh and another glare, which earned a chuckle from Mr Carlton.

"It was a wedding gift from my grandparents, so they couldn't get rid of it." He replied with a grin as we reached our rooms.

"Oh, that makes sense. Well good night mom, good night Mr.Carlton and thank you, sir, once again." Liam said politely before giving me a peck on the cheeks before going in his room.

"Please call me Oliver. Both of you." Mr. Carlton said, surprising us.

"I can't call you that. You're my boss." I instantly replied.

"But you're not mine, and it's confusing when there are two Mr. Carltons here. So I'm cool. Good night, Oliver." He said with a huge smile and shut the door quickly as I cried out his name in indignation.

I turned to face Mr. Carlton, I heard him chuckle. I was once again shocked. I just couldn't help it. I have worked in his firm for four years and been his personal secretary for a year, but I have never seen him wear anything other than a stormy look in his face. But this week, I have seen his smile, chuckle, and even give a joke, I think. What has happened to my boss?

Maybe it's Miss Sasha's doing, I thought, remembering that he was getting married soon.

"Mr. Carlton-"

"Oliver." He interrupted, making me give him a pleading look to which he responded with a strict one of his own.

I sighed in resignation and continued. " Oliver.." I said hesitantly, testing out saying his name to him. He gave an approving look, to which I inwardly rolled my eyes. "Wouldn't Miss Sasha mind that you have brought your secretary and her son to stay here?"

"Why is it any of her business, and why should I care if she minds or not?" He said, looking very annoyed.

"Because she is your fiancee, of course." I replied in astonishment. Why wouldn't it be her business who he brought home, even if it is to his parents' home?

"My finacee?" He asked in surprise. "Who said she was my fiancee?"

"She did. That day, she came into the office, remember." I replied.

Mr. Carlton's face instantly relaxed, leaving me utterly confused. "She can say that as much as she likes, but she is never becoming my wife." He said in an almost cold tone. I just stared at him, my mouth agape. But I would never ask him my nosy questions, I'm not Liam, and he didn't elaborate.

I finally cleared my throat, "Well, I don't think I have thanked you, sir, for... everything. I don't know what I would have done."

"Run away." He instantly replied, his lips twitching and his eyes twinkling in amusement. This man! I thought as I felt myself blush remembering the brave but stupid decision I had made in the heat of the moment.

He let out another chuckle, starting to walk away, wishing me good night.

"Goodnight, Mr Carlton." I said back.
"It's Oliver," he called back, still walking away.

"Oliver." I said to myself, as he turned the corner. Giving a small smile to myself, I entered my room, ready to fall asleep, knowing that Liam and I were safe under Mr. Carlton's care...


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