36. We All Love Sally Jackson

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1st POV

Before we left Olympus, Percy wanted to make a few calls

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Before we left Olympus, Percy wanted to make a few calls.

It wasn't easy, but we finally found a quiet fountain in a corner garden and sent an Iris-message to Tyson, under the sea. We told him about our adventures, and Bessie—he wanted to hear every detail about the cute baby cow serpent—and I assured him that Annabeth was safe. Finally, Percy got around to explaining how the shield he'd made Percy last summer had been damaged in the manticore attack.

"Yay!" Tyson said. "That means it was good! It saved your life!"

"It sure did, big guy," he said. "But now it's ruined."

"Not ruined!" Tyson promised. "I will visit and fix it next summer."

The idea picked me up instantly. I guess I hadn't realized how much I missed having Tyson around. Last year, I hated him. But now... what can I say? He's my brother.

"Seriously?" I asked. "They'll let you take time off?"

"Yes! I have made two thousand seven hundred and forty-one magic swords," Tyson said proudly, showing me the newest blade. "The boss says 'good work'! He will let me take the whole summer off. I will visit camp!"

We talked for a while about war preparations and Poseidon's fight with the old sea gods, and all the cool things we could do together next summer, but then Tyson's boss started yelling at him and he had to get back to work.

Percy dug into his pocket for a drachma. He groaned. "S$^#," he mumbled.

I dug out my last golden drachma and passed it to him. He grabbed my waist and kissed my cheek. "I love you!"

"I know," I said.

"Sally Jackson," Percy said. "Upper East Side, Manhattan."

The mist shimmered, and there was his mom at our kitchen table, laughing and holding hands with another man.

I looked at Percy, who raised his eyebrows and smirked. He whispered in my ear, "Mr. Blofis."

"Blowfish?" I whispered back. "Blofis," he corrected.

I pressured my lips into a perfect shaped "O."

Percy was about to wave his hand through the mist and cut the connection, but before he could, Sally saw us.

Her eyes got wide. She let go of Mr. Blowfish's hand real quick. "Oh, Paul! You know what? I left my writing journal in the living room. Would you mind getting it for me?"

"Sure, Sally. No problem."

He left the room, and instantly Sally leaned toward the Iris-message. "Percy! Are you all right?"

"I'm, uh, fine. How's that writing seminar going?"

She pursed her lips. "It's fine. But that's not important. Tell me what's happened!"

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