"What are you talking about?" Bakugou refused to make eye contact. Instead, he stared up at the ceiling with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Why were you chained and muzzled?" Aeri pushed, perching on the edge of his desk so she could see his face.

"cuz' I was fuckin' angry and they didn't trust me not to hurt someone." He said, still not looking at her.

"And they just grabbed you and chained you up without talking to you first?"

Bakugou huffed. "It's because I went to fucking look for you." He admitted. "All Might asked me where the fuck I was going and I told him, but obviously he thought I was going to try hurt you or some shit so he and Cementoss chained me up on the podium."

"You went to look for me?" Aeri raised an eyebrow.

"What is this 20 fucking questions?" He snapped his head towards her, only to be surprised when he saw her small smile. "Yes I went to look for you. Wanted to apologise or whatever cuz' I guess you're alright to have around."

"Aww, I'm your best friend?" Aeri teased, laughing when his cheeks tinged pink and a scowl painted his face.

"Don't put words in my mouth." He raised his voice, Aeri grinned and pulled his medal out of her pocket. She held it out to him and he took it reluctantly, shoving it into his bag.


The students were granted another two days to recuperate after the sports festival and Aeri spent most of it in bed relaxing. It'd been so long since she'd been allowed to stay home all day without training or doing schoolwork so she was really just enjoying having time to do absolutely nothing.

Or at least she would be if Jungwon hadn't burst in in the middle of her Drag Race binge telling about a guest. "Get up you slob! get changed and get downstairs, dad invited over that kid you beat!" He was in pyjamas himself, his hair sticking up in all directions.

Aeri gasped and flung her deep green comforter off her body, scrambling out of bed and rushing over to her closet. "What are we wearing? Oh god I'm not even wearing any makeup! My hair isn't styled!"

"I know! He didn't even tell us he was bringing anyone over! Wear the white Chanel baby-tee and the black shorts, I'll wear the same." Jungwon teleported to his own bedroom and Aeri could hear him rustling around through the wall they shared. She threw off her pyjamas and battled her way into her clothes, rushing out of the closet and to her vanity to put a brush through her hair and apply as much makeup as she could manage in 5 minutes.

She quickly applied some concealer, bronzer and blush as skilfully as she could under pressure. Jungwon burst back in just as she pulled out her favourite Dior lip oil. "I can't find my hair gel can I borrow yours?"

Aeri nodded and threw the tub to him. He squatted behind her and fiddled with hair, peering around her to see in the vanity mirror. Aeri applied some quick eyeshadow and mascara and stood up, the stool falling backwards and landing on Jungwon's toe. He swore and clenched his teeth but didn't let that distract him from his hair problem.

They were both out of breath by the time they reached the living room, their sock-clad feet padding against the floor as they ran in.

"You look messy." Hyunjin scolded, rolling his eyes. Of course, he was dressed well in a white dress shirt with the top button undone and blue Levi's jeans, his hair looked perfect too.

"Maybe if we were warned about a guest we would've had time to get ready." Jungwon glared, straightning his black Chanel sweatshirt insecurely.

"We were in bed 5 minutes ago, cut us some slack. I've never done a full face of makeup that fast before." Aeri stuck her tongue out at him.

"Enough, kids," Aizawa commanded from the middle of the room. Shinsou was sat uncomfortably on one of the white plush couches, clearly feeling out of place in the family home of people he barely knew. "You know Shinsou from the sports festival. I'll be training him from now on so he can hopefully join the hero course."

"That could've been a text message," Aeri sassed. "You didn't need to drag us all out of bed just to tell us that."

Aizawa reached forward and flicked her forehead. "If you let me finish, I would've told you that you'll be training him in hand to hand combat so that I can start training his quirk. Doing both at the same time will make things go faster so he can join the hero course as soon as possible."

"Another one? We should start charging you by the hour with the amount of strays you bring us," Hyunjin replied.

"Don't push your luck. Now go get changed and get in the garden." Aizawa demanded.

"Oh, we're starting now?" Jungwon raised his eyebrows.

"Why else would he be here right now?" Aizawa sighed.

"Could've told us in advance! Now I have to take off the makeup I just put on!" Aeri ran a hand through her hair. Her father gave her a look and she blanched, teleporting to her room to change into sports clothes.


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