♡Chapter 9♡

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(Double update!)

Surprised and Shocked.


Seo sat on the chair with her legs crossed. Her bambi eyes stared at the persons in front of her who were shifting uncomfortably on their seats feeling her stone cold gaze although she was wearing her blue sunglasses.

"You said. I came. Now shoot. Why did you call me?" She said straight.

"Miss Jeon. I suppose you shouldn't talk with them like this. They're respective persons."

"So I am." Her gaze turned towards the principal who gritted his teeth. Mark's father coughed to gain her attention.

"What you did to our son is wrong and you must pay...."

"And what your son did to my brother is wrong. Can you pay?" Her voice went low, stating each word deeply.

'I'm surrounded by fools.'

"How much money do you want? Ask forgiveness from our son and we'll let you go without any problem." Mark's mother said.

"Naah. Don't just think so low of me. I've enough money to lead a lavish life. Rather your son should ask forgiveness from my little bro." Seo remarked.

"Dare you talk to him like this. He's the son of one of the top millionaires of this city."

The corner of Seo's lips tugged upwards, forming into a wry smile.

"The money is yours. Not his."

Mark along with his parents and the principal gulped nervously in fear seeing her pulling out a gun from inside her jacket before placing it on the table. The principal looked for the cctv camera of his room. When he noticed it he smirked at the girl but soon it went away seeing her calm state.

"No use. I've turned it off." Lighting a cigarette she turned to Mark's parents.

"The deal's between us. Your son asked forgiveness from my bro and he forgave. I've no complain against it but in future.......if he dares to do it......" She puffed the cigarette before blowing out the smoke.

"....this time he has only one bruise on his jaw but the next time his ribs will be broken." They shivered at her deep tone.

"Cause if Mark's your son then Jungkook's my brother. And I said messing with him means messing with me. I don't care who you are, which family he belongs to etc etc.........I don't give a fuck. You can't blackmail me with anything."

"Who do you think you are?" The principal raised his voice. Obviously he'll be on Mark's side, cause of money. Seo let out a deep chuckle. Twirling the gun with her hand she stood up.

"I'm not any damn princess from any drama. I'm the worst nightmare who's real in the flesh. You have two minutes to choose what you will do." She placed her phone on the desk where the video of Mark molesting Lisa, bullying Jungkook and others played. It wasn't blurred neither the quality was low. It was the clear cut video of his deeds.

"I won't charge any money. You just have to stay quiet. Otherwise, it won't take any time to tarnish your reputation. In a fraction of time, your money will go away, your fame will become your destruction and our sweet principal will lose his job. So deal? The clock's ticking." She smirked looking at them, waiting for their answers. Mark's parents were too stunned to speak. She definitely wasn't a person that'll be afraid of them.

"Deal." They said and Seo smiled sweetly.

"It will be my request. Rather supporting your child's mistake, make him understand his fault. At least he'll earn respect from others." Fixing her jacket she stood up and went to the door.


"U-Uh, miss J-Jeon." She turned around to face them.


"Y-Your g-gun." The principal stuttered pointing at the gun on his desk. Seo lightly laughed at them.

"You can take it. It isn't real." Saying she went away making their heart drop at their foolishness.


Seo walked on the road with her hands in her pocket. She halted on her spot when her eyes suddenly landed on a cafè. Her eyes shone and she licked her lips. A cake and caffeine won't be bad, right?

'Obviously!' She squealed and crossed the road before entering the cafè. And she accidentally bumped with someone.

"I'm sorry." The woman apologised before she could. Seo instantly removed her sunglasses recognising the person.

"Mother! It's good to see you again."


Seokjin slammed the file close before rubbing his forehead.

Marriage? With that crazy girl? No way! He shuddered at the thought.

"How can mom think about this without fully knowing her? That girl is a total brat and surely a gold digger and also an attention seeker. Arrogant and full of attitude. What does she think of herself?" He huffed and signed the deal papers.

"Says the one who's also the same." Namjoon mumbled under his breath seeing his brother talking to himself.


Seo choked on her coffee hearing Mrs. Kim's words.

She......wife of Seokjin?

A big opportunity to change her life. Being the wife of the business tycoon is like a dream to everyone.

"Please, Seo. You're like my daughter. And you're perfect for my Jin." Mrs. Kim held her hands.

"Uh, mother. Every girl here wants to be his bride. But I'm not like what you see. Mr. Kim is just too perfect. He deserves to be with someone like him who's beautiful, rich, elegant, has high standard, lives lavishly. Not me who lacks those perfection. We're poles apart from each other. And I don't think he likes me that much." Seo said, not wanting to hurt Mrs. Kim's feelings.

"Seo, you're perfect just the way you are. And my Jin will be so lucky to have you. From his very childhood he went too hard on himself and now he doesn't even care for himself. I want someone to be his side. I want to see him happy before I die."

"Oh mother, sshh sshh. I'll think about it." Seo assured her, rubbing the back of her hands which were holding her's.

Seo understands. A mother is selfish for her child's happiness. But the question is does Seokjin want?


It's past evening.

Seokjin's limo stopped in front of the apartment where Seo lives, making a screeching sound.

"Is it?"

"Yes, boss." Jimin got out of the car along with his boss and followed him going inside. They entered the elevator and Jimin pressed the button to the specific floor which was the top floor of the building. The ding sound was heard and the elevator opened. They walked and now stood in front of the door of Seo's apartment. The bell rang but none opened the door.

"Are you sure they live here?" Seokjin said earning a nod from Jimin.

They waited but none came. The door was actually unlocked and Jimin twisted the knob before peeking inside.

"Maybe they aren't home." He mumbled and went inside. The whole living room was filled with smoke as the windows were closed. Jimin hurriedly open the windows only to hear a deep growl.

"Dare to disturb my precious sleep, Seo. Just get lost before I spank your ass." He widened his eyes at the remark knowing who it was. Seokjin raised his eyebrows and coughed when his eyes landed on the pale figure who was lying on the couch, only in his boxer. Little burning cigarettes were on the ashtray which he finished earlier.

'Seo isn't a quiet person. It's unusual of her not disturbing me.' Getting no response Yoongi opened his eyes groaning and looked at the handsome male in front of him. And he jumped from his slumber, widening his eyes in shock, surprise and disbelief.

"The fuck!"

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