♡Chapter 6♡

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Fly as the petals of flower.


"Care to explain how you did it." Lifting one of his eyebrows, Seokjin's dark eyes constantly stared at the girl in front of him. Seo's throat felt dry as she nervously looked away from the male.

'Why am I craving for a cigarette in this damn situation?'

Taking a deep breath she faced him.

"I just went through Jimin's phone." She answered honestly.

'Don't ask me how. I'm professional in it.'

"And the video? I remember telling my men to remove.........delete it. Then how'd you get it?" He crooked his strong eyebrows together, his gaze darkening. Seo felt like interrogated. Fuck. His intimidating aura wasn't helping either.

"I just know some stuffs about hacking. And about that matter I had installed it before you deleted it."

'Pst. Definitely I'm a technical hacker. I'm the brain of my gang dude.'

"How much money do you want?"

'Now it's called a deal.'

Her lips formed into a wry smirk while approaching towards his desk. She rested her palms on the desk before leaning down to his level where he gave her a knowing look.

"How much will you give me?" Her voice deepened, eyes sparkling to mock him. Seokjin lost it letting out a bitter chuckle.

'I knew she would say this. These kind of girls just run after money.'

Seo grinned as she sat on the chair in front of him with her legs crossed, her eyes never leaving him, staring at him in a lecherous manner like the mannerless brat she is. He didn't break the eye contact though. Like he was trying to read her but failing miserably. The big doe shaped eyes hidden behind the bangs hiding so many mysteries, mysteries which can't be solved. Placing a check on the table in front of her he stared at her.

"I guess this should be enough. Delete that video." She shivered at his dominating tone but restrained to show it.

"Assume it's done." She fondly grinned before taking the check, holding it between her index and middle finger. Glancing at him she cocked her head to her right side and smugly smirked. Seokjin's small smile went away when she placed the check on the desk, returning it to him.

"I'm sorry darling but I'm afraid I can't."

'Uh. That's highly unprofessional. But who cares?'

"I'm not in need of money like a whore. Money just finds me."

"Is this some kind of joke?" She laughed at his irritated voice. She definitely loves to test his patience.

"It's pretty late, Mr. Kim. I should be going to sleep." She remarked to irritate him more, emphasizing the words 'Mr. Kim'. Oh how she just loves teasing him.

'Maybe it'll turn into a habit.'

"You can't leave until I say." He stated firmly in a dangerous tone making the girl lower her gaze and chuckle deeply.

"Is that so?"

'What's with her?' Seokjin thought as he saw her tilting her chin before her hands reaching for the buttons of her shirt.

"Wait! W-What? What? What? What are you doing?" The CEO stuttered and looked away as Seo slowly unbuttoned the buttons of her shirt one by one exposing her collarbone and chest.

You're Too Perfect || K. SjTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang