A Fun Day (Chapter 14)

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  The day comes to an end and I head to the locker room to change, I enter and see class 1A there changing into their training uniforms. I see Katsuki, he is surrounded by his friends and they are all teasing him while he looks annoyed but is blushing, I see why they are teasing him though. He may have left marks on me but I left a few on him, some being the hickeys on his neck, the bite mark on his hand from earlier, and the claw marks on his back. He rolls his eyes and looks away from them catching eyes with me, he smiles softly and I return the smile, his friends of course caught this between and the teasing continued. I chuckled softly before entering the stall in the changing room, once I changed and hid my features I exited the locker room before heading to the training ground. I joined class 1A with Aizawa and we all waited for instructions, once we received the instruction we began our exercise, I was definitely more tired than usual so I wasn't up to my full self during training.

  We were eventually dismissed from training before I headed back to the locker room with Midoriya, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Katsuki. Of course, Katsuki and I were clinging to each other the whole walk "So y'all two are together," Midoriya asks "Yeah, got a problem with it," Katsuki asks angrily. Midoriya quickly shakes his head "No no, I wanna say congratulations," Midoriya says smiling "Bakugou, you break his heart, I'll break your dick," Todoroki says sternly. "Woah, I'd never break this cutie's heart so calm it down," Katsuki says raising his hands in surrender before planting a kiss on my cheek while I blushed. "Y'all are so cute but Shinsou you really need to watch the nails, his poor back," Kirishima says laughing "I'll chill with the scratching when he chills with the biting and gripping, my poor body is covered in bruises and bite marks," I say chuckling while blushing. "Bruises, I guess I don't realize how tight I grab you," Katsuki mumbles and I smile softly planting a kiss on his cheek "They're just bruises, I don't feel them," I say, he smiles softly and plants a kiss on lips. I smile at him as he smiles back "Hurry up lovebirds, we need to change," Kirishima says laughing, we chuckle before entering the locker room to change, I go to the stall and change while they're outside. Once I hid my features I exit the stall, I waited on them as they finish changing, once they change we all left together "Do y'all want to hang out today," Midoriya asks smiling brightly. "Sure, sounds fun," Todoroki says with a soft smile "Of course, I'm always down for a hangout," Kirishima says smiling brightly. Katsuki wraps his arms around me from behind before leaning into my ear "Are you feeling well enough to hang out," he asks in a whisper and I smile as I lean into him, I was honestly tired but I needed to get used to it. "I'll be fine, I want to hang out," I whisper back and he smiles softly at me "We'll join as well," Katsuki says smiling softly at me "Great, we'll meet up at the mall once everyone go change," Midoriya says smiling. We all nod before I bid my temporary goodbyes and head to Aizawa's car, he is there waiting for me and I get in, leaving while heading back to the house.

  Once we get back home, I headed to my room and grab a change of clothes, I still didn't have many clothes but I had a few. Once I had my change of clothes I went and took a shower, I step out of the shower and look at my body from the mirror. My hips were bruised pretty badly and so was my wrist, I glance at the back of my neck seeing a bite mark with dried blood, I love Katsuki but it's going to look like he beats me. Once I get changed and hid my features, I headed to the living room "I'm leaving," I say heading to the door "Where are you going," Yamada asks. "I'm going to hang out with Katsuki and a few others at the mall," I say, they nod "Be careful and don't stay out late," Aizawa says and I nod "Bye, love y'all," I say as I exited closing the door behind me. I freeze once the door is closed, did I really just say that? I blush in embarrassment before quickly running off and going to the mall to meet up with everyone.

  We spent several hours shopping, eating, goofing around, and hanging out at the mall, I honestly never had such a good time. I had friends and a boyfriend, this is the first I ever had either, I was beyond lucky but it did make me worry, why were things going so well all of a sudden? I chuckled as Kirishima finishes telling his joke causing everyone else to laugh, we were walking back to my place since they would walk back together. Katsuki had his arms wrapped around my waist and his head resting on top of my head, being careful of my ears, while we walked, the others were standing beside us making all of us bump shoulders every now and then to stay on the sidewalk together. We stop in front of my house and I escape Katsuki's grip, "Well thank y'all for such a good time," I say smiling "Of course, we had such a great time," Midoriya says smiling. "We definitely need to do this again," Kirishima says smiling brightly while Todoroki nods in agreement "I'll only go if Hitoshi goes," Katsuki says as he kisses my cheek. I chuckle "I agree, we need to do this again," I say smiling "We'll see you at the training camp this weekend," Midoriya says waving as he walks away with Todoroki who was also waving while dragging Kirishima away. I nod before turning to Katsuki, he smiles and kisses my lips, I kiss back and we stay like that for a moment before breaking it "Good night kitten~," he says smirking, I blush "Night Kats~," I say. I watch as he walks away catching up to the others before turning and entering the house, it was quiet so I assumed everyone was asleep, I quietly go to my room before changing, once I change I lay down and fall asleep.

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