A Fun Day (Chapter 14)

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*Warning: Smut*

Hitoshi POV

  I woke up to the sound of my alarm and quietly groan, I slowly get out of my bed my legs still shaking and my lower back still hurting slightly. I grab my uniform and leave my bedroom, I enter the bathroom before changing clothes, I could see hickeys all up my neck as well as a few on my wrists. I blush softly, I guess I just had to show them off, I leave the bathroom and enter the kitchen, I fixed myself coffee before sitting down. I quietly enjoyed my coffee before Aizawa joined me "Morning," I mumble tiredly "Morning," he responds in the same amount of tiredness. We sit there quietly while we enjoyed our coffees before Yamada and Eri joined us, Eri and Yamada talked most of the time, once it neared time I left and hid my features before joining in the living room.

  We leave the house and headed to our schools, we dropped off Eri at her school before heading to our school. We arrived not long later and bid our goodbyes before going our separate ways, I smiled softly as I see Katsuki standing next to my locker as usual. I walked up to him and he brings me into a passionate kiss "Good morning," he says smiling "Morning," I said pecking his lips before opening my locker. "You feeling better," he asks smirking and I slightly glare at him before lightly punching his arm "Shut up," I grumble while smiling. I grab what I needed from my locker before closing it "See you at lunch," he says smiling pecking my lips "See you at lunch, love you," I said pecking his lips. "Love you too," he says smiling before walking and I walk away heading to class, I enter my class before going to my desk where I waited for class to start.

  The day rolled by and before I knew it lunch had already passed, lunch with Katsuki was pretty sweet, we just cuddled together on the roof. It was now the second to last class of the day when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I glanced at my phone when the teacher wasn't looking. It was Katsuki asking to meet him in the bathroom, I was confused but I listened, I asked to go to the bathroom and left heading to the bathroom he asked to meet at. I entered the bathroom and see Katsuki leaning against the wall "Hey, you needed something," I asked and he looks up at me "I need a little help," he say skeptical before glancing down. I followed where he was suggesting before blushing, I see what he was applying, and I nodded before grabbing his hand and leading him into the cramped stall. "What are you doing it's cramped," he whispered "Then I guess we're just going to have to get close," I whispered back with a smirk while pressing my body into the wall but butt into his crotch. He muffles a groan before gripping my hips and pressing more into me, I could feel him, he was very excited, he grips my hip tighter before undoing his pants. I start undoing my pants and he desperately pulls them down, he lifts my shirt while gripping my hips before slowly pushing in. I gasp a moan and he quickly buries his face into my back as he groans, one of my hands goes to the wall where I try to grip it and my other hand grabs onto his hand that's on my hip. I press my mouth to my hand to muffle a moan as he moves in and out of me, he bites my shoulder to muffle his groans while panting softly, one of his hands on my hips goes to my hand on the wall where he holds it. I tighten my grip on his wrist as he tightens his grip on my hip, I quickly bite his hand suppressing more moans, he presses me into the wall while he pounds me from behind. His thrusts are fast but desperate, I tighten my grip as I feel myself becoming closer, the more he comes closer the more desperate he becomes and more sloppier. I bite his hand harshly to muffle my loud moan as I tremble with pleasure from my release, he bites my neck harshly as well as grips my hand and hip hard as he fills me with his release. We stand there trembling before he pulls out and cleans us up while I rested there still trembling, he presses a kiss to my neck "You okay," he whispers and I nod while panting. "Can you go back to class," he asks and I nod, once he gets us cleaned he dresses us before leading us out of the stall, my legs trembled but I would be fine. I kissed his lips passionately before pulling away and smiling at him, he smiles back before kissing me, and we separate and go to our classes as if nothing happened.

The Lavender Maine Coon (MHA Shinsou Angst)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя