Chapter 271 - 280

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Chapter 271 Border Collie

    Seven days later, the team of survivors arrived on the highway Jiang Nuo was familiar with.

    These 7 days have been a magical experience for everyone.

    Especially Yuzi, as an atheist, his recent feeling is particularly mysterious, and his world view has been greatly impacted.

    He faintly felt that there was a guardian spirit on the road.

    Several times, when he took people out to collect firewood, he could faintly see a huge beast in the light of the fire.

    The figure flashed past, like his hallucination.

    At first, he was very panicked.

    They led a team of more than a hundred people, and only a small part of them were young and middle-aged, and most of them needed protection.

    You can still fight when you encounter gangsters, but the difficulty will be upgraded directly when you encounter monsters.

    He immediately reported the matter to Zheng Yixuan, and Zheng Yixuan also looked dignified.

    Because Yuzi has seen it several times, it means that this shadow followed them all the way.

    After several days of fear, the black shadow had no intention of attacking them.

    Yuzi was out of his mind at the beginning, but then he let it go slowly, thinking that he was too nervous and had hallucinations.

    There are no giant beasts, no shadows.

    The blackness was probably caused by the light of the flame being blown to and fro by the wind, casting a phantom.

    With this in mind, after the team left Yicheng, they came to the complex mountainous terrain.

    The earthquake in this area was not as serious as that in the direction of Yicheng. Even in the mountainous area, you can find half-collapsed houses to rest from time to time.

    But strong acid rain is something that almost everyone has never seen. The trees passing by have turned into dry forests, and there are almost no living plants on the ground.

    The smell of acid rain filled the nostrils.

    Picking up firewood has become easier.

    Yuzi took more than 20 people to find suitable firewood in the mountains and forests. There are many dead trees here, so thick and straight long branches can be selected as much as possible to achieve a longer burning effect.

    But after walking a few steps, he saw that black figure running towards them from a distance.

    This time, Yuzi could see more clearly than before, his eyes shining in the darkness, and the faintly visible fangs all flashed through the firelight.

    He even heard a threatening growl.

    This is definitely not his hallucination, the 20 or so people present have heard it.

    Everyone was so frightened that their feet went limp for a moment. This was not the first time Yuzi saw it, so he was relatively calm. He ordered not to make any noise, not to scream and panic, and stepped back slowly step by step.

    Back outside the forest area, Yuzi still had lingering fears.

    After discussing with Zheng Yixuan, he decided to take a detour.

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