Chapter 251 - 260

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Chapter 251 Shelter

    Jiang Nuo made up his mind.

    She remained still cautiously, and looked at the figure again.

    He walked farther, and in the darkness, his figure became more blurred, but there were some glowing fluorescent strips on his clothes, the light was very faint, but he could barely recognize his way in the dark, and Jiang Nuo could see more clearly his look.

    Jiang Nuo also confirmed once again that no matter the body shape or hairstyle, the faintly visible Chinese character face really looks like Yu Nu.

    Even his clothes with luminous objects were worn by Yu Nu before his death.

    But Yu Nu is dead, this is a fact beyond doubt.

    After the initial surprise, Jiang Nuo quickly regained his composure.

    Yu Nu died, his body was covered with toxins, and I even took pictures of the tattoos on his body, and then burned them clean, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

    The one in front of him could only be a person who looked very similar to Yu Nu.

    Moreover, he must have a relationship with the Ye family.

    Jiang Nuo's thoughts turned quickly, and in just a few seconds, he had roughly guessed who this person was and what he was doing.

    The Ye family's appearance in the Yicheng mining area was probably because of the order to "capture them alive".

    A sneer appeared on the corner of Jiang Nuo's mouth, he closed the binoculars, and approached quietly in that direction.

    The darkness completely concealed her figure, and she walked lightly, moving silently in the thick black night, until she saw a faint light.

    In addition to the fluorescent strips on the clothes, she also saw a little fire.

    The flame flickered, as if being held in the hands of someone walking.

    Jiang Nuo pondered slightly.

    I think this is someone from the Ye family who is following someone.

    Because they kept their distance and walked for a while.

    At this time, the light of the torch suddenly stopped, and there was some movement, accompanied by shouts.

    Jiang Nuo listened carefully.

    "Is anyone there?"

    "Just let someone know!"

    It sounded like there were not just one person holding the torch, but about three.

    Taking advantage of the darkness, Jiang Nuo moved closer to see more clearly.

    There were indeed three people holding the torches.

    They seemed to be searching for survivors, making noise as they moved gravel. The light of the torch was about to burn out, so I lit two more branches.

    "Speak out! Are you still alive?"

    "Speak out!"

    At this time, the temperature was below minus 40 degrees, and the three of them were wearing thick clothes, which made it difficult for them to move. They walked very hard on the collapsed rocks and cracked roads. Difficult, but did not give up.

    At this time, a tall man placed an order.

    Jiang Nuo saw him step by step towards the dark place on the other side, where there seemed to be a collapsed steel frame, he bent down to look inside, and shouted at the same time.

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